
Processing polarized RACS data products.

pipeline, python, radio-astronomy
pip install spiceracs==0.1.0


Change of host

Please note that spiceracs is now hosted on BitBucket: https://bitbucket.csiro.au/projects/SPICE/repos/spiceracs


Spectra and Polarization In Cutouts of Extragalactic Sources from RACS

Scripts for processing polarized RACS data products.


pip install spiceracs

Or, after cloning this repo, please run:

pip install -e .

This will install the python dependencies and the command-line scrips. Please note: this package requires python >= 3.6.

Third-party tools

Additionally, this package also requires RM-Tools, java >= 8, and mongodb to be installed. Details on how to install these can be found at their respective websites:


If you wish to use MPI for parallelisation, please also make sure some implementation (such as OpenMPI) is also installed. If MPI is not available, then python multiprocessing can be used. Please note that multiprocessing is not capable of going across nodes in an HPC environment.

Getting started

It is recommended to use the command-line tools. Alternatively, scripts for processing RACS data are located in spiceracs/.

Bash scripts which run everything together on PBS or SBATCH systems are located in submit/.

To keep track of the many files, and associated metadata, these scripts use MongoDB. Additionally, the scripts are intended to be run in order (pipeline-style).

Currently, the order to run each script is:

  1. mongod --dbpath /path/to/database/ & -- This initialises MongoDB in a directory of your choosing.
  2. The following stages require the datacubes to be on disk.
    1. spicecutout or spiceracs/cutout.py -- Produce cubelets from a RACS field using a Selavy table.
    2. spiceunresolved or spiceracs/unresolved.py -- Find unresolved sources from a Selavy catalogue.
    3. spicemoments or spiceracs/moments.py -- Make Faraday moment maps for Farnes+ (2018) method.
  3. The datacubes can be removed from disk, if required.
  4. spicepolfind or spiceracs/polfind.py-- Find polarized sources in a RACS field using the Farnes+ (2018) method.
  5. spiceracs/rmsynth_oncuts.py -- Run RM synthesis on unresolved, polarized sources.
  6. ?????
  7. Profit


Third-party software

This package utilises a number of third-party libraries. Please acknowledge these, as appropriate, if you use these tools for your research.

List of third party libraries: