
A python package intended to simulate spin dynamics

pip install spinthon==0.21



spinthon is a lightweight python module for elementary spin dynamics calculations.

At this point, arbitrary Hamiltonian's may be set up in spinthon, but support for evolution and/or the density matrix formalism is not included.

spinthon is available at pip. It may be installed


	pip install spinthon

In order to obtain spin operators in the Zeeman product basis run the following code
..code:: python

	import numpy as np
	import spinthon

	from spinthon.spin.operators import SpinOperator, VectorSpinOperator
	from spinthon.spin.system import SpinSystem

	S1 = SpinSystem(["E", "14N"])

	# S spin operators
	Sx = SpinOperator(S1, 0, "Ix")
	SxM = Sx.getMatrixRepresentation()

	# I spin operators
	Ix = SpinOperator(S1, 1, "Ix")
	IxM = Ix.getMatrixRepresentation()

	Svec = VectorSpinOperator(S1, 0)
	Ivec = VectorSpinOperator(S1, 1)

SpinOperators and VectorSpinOperators are custom types in Spinthon, for which multiplication and addition are defined as appropriate.

..code:: python
	H = Svec@np.diag([20e6, 20e6, 100e6])@Ivec

In this way an arbitrary Hamiltonian may be set up. Once set up, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues may be obtained
..code:: python
	eigenVals, eigenVecs = H.getEigenValuesAndVectors()

The eigenvectors may be used to set up a basis in which the Hamiltonian is diagonal:
..code:: python

Following this transformation the matrix representation of H will be diagonal.

Further Notes
To install this package locally and install for development, use this command

>>> pip install -e ./

More info available here: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages/