An opinionated fork of OpenHTF by the team behind Spintop. OpenHTF is currently vendored-in.

pip install spintop-openhtf==0.6.4



Spintop-OpenHTF is an opinionated fork of OpenHTF to bring a more standard approach to hardware testbench development. The complete documentation is hosted on readthedocs.

Getting Started with spintop-openhtf

PyPI version

Python Installation

To install spintop-openhtf, you need Python. We officially support Python 3.6+ for now. If you already have Python installed on your PC, you can skip this step. Officially supported OSes are:

IDE: VS Code with Extensions

We use and recommend Visual Studio Code for the development of spintop-openhtf testbenches. Using it will allow you to:

  • Seamlessly debug with breakpoints the code you will be writting
  • Remotely develop on a Raspberry Pi if you wish to
  • Use a modern, extendable and free IDE


  1. Download VS Code
  2. Run and follow the installation executable
  3. Install the Python Extension

Project Folder, Virtual Env & Installation (Windows)

First, create or select a folder where you want your sources to lie in.

Once you have your base python available, best practices are to create a virtualenv for each testbench you create. We will use python as the python executable, but if you installed a separate, non-path python 3 for example, you should replace that with your base executable.

Here are the installation steps on Windows:

  1. Create Folder

    mkdir myproject
    cd myproject
  2. Create venv

    # Creates new venv in the folder 'venv'
    python -m venv venv
  3. Install spintop-openhtf

    python -m pip install spintop-openhtf[server]

You can validate that the installation succeeded using python -m examples.hello_world. This will run the basic OpenHTF hello world example without the spintop layer. The example will ask for the entry of a DUT ID from the user and display a passed test once it is done.

spintop-openhtf Basic Concepts

Test plan

In the context of a test bench implementation on spintop-openhtf, the test plan is the object to which the test phases are loaded and which executes them.

See Running a First Test Bench

Test phases

The test phases implement the different test cases. They are defined and loaded in the test plan object which executes them one after the other

See Test Case Declaration

Test Sequences

The test sequences are intermediary levels of test phases between the test plan and the test cases. They can help implement complex test hierarchies.

See Defining Sequences or PhaseGroups

Trigger phase

The trigger phase refers to the first phase of the test bench, in which the dynamic configuration of the test is loaded. Such information can be for example:

  • The operator name

  • The board or system serial number

  • The board or system device type

  • The test type to execute on the board or system

See Trigger Phase

Test flow management

Test flow management refers to the dynamic selection of which test cases are executed depending on the inputs given at the beginning of the test bench in the trigger phase and by the results of the test themselves. Such inputs that determine test flow are for example the Device Under Test type and a FAIL result of a critical test.

See Test Flow Management


The configuration refers to all predetermined parameters used to control the flow or the execution of the test. The different configuration types are:

  • The parameters configuring the test station itself, that is parameters changing from station to station and test jig to test jig, such as ip adresses, com port, etc.

  • The parameters statically configuring the execution of the test plan, such as for example, the maximum number of iterations for a calibration algorithm.

  • The parameters dynamically configuring the execution of the test plan, such as those gathered in the trigger phase.

See Static Configuration and Test Station Configuration


Forms are use to interact with the test operator. They permit the implementation of complex dialogs which allow to operator to both execute manual operations on the test jig to allow the test to continue or to input test result data for verification,

See Implementing a Custom Form


In the spintop-openhtf context, plugs allow the iteraction of the test logic with the surrounding test equipment. They basically wrap the access to the test equipment automation libraries.

See Forms and Tester Feedback

Criteria & measures

The criteria refer to the thresholds against which measures are compared to declare a test case PASS or FAIL. In the spintop-openhtf context, the measures module implements the criteria and the comparison against the selected values.

See Test Criteria


The spintop-openhtf framework outputs a standardized test result record for each test.

See Test Results

Tutorials for Spintop-OpenHTF

First Testbench Tutorial

Web Interface Tutorial

Forms and Tester Feedback Tutorial

Test Bench Definition Tutorial

Test Bench Documentation Tutorial

Proposed Project Structure

Test Bench Configuration Tutorial

Plugs Tutorial

Test Criteria Tutorial

Test Results Tutorial