
command line tool for spoj.com

spoj, problems, command, line, algorithmic
pip install spojcmd==0.3


spojcmd (Rachit Nimavat)


I have taken spoj by Nyambayar Turbat as the seed.

Config File (optional)

Create a file named .spojcmdrc in your home folder, with the following contents -

user_name = YOUR_USERNAME
password = YOUR_PASSWORD
wait_time = 4   (time interval in seconds for querying status of your submission)
pyver = 2.7 (version for python compiler - 2.7 / 3.2.3 / nbc )
cppver = 4.3.2  (version for gcc cpp compiler - 4.3.2 / )
cver = 4.3.2    (version for gcc c compiler - 4.3.2 / 99 )
pasver = fpc    (version for pascal compiler - fpc / gpc )

Note that, all these options are optional except [user] section line

Setup Instructions

First, get python-pip. Then install spojcmd by it. Resolve unsatisfied dependencies, if any.

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install spojcmd

Login to SPOJ

Login to SPOJ like this:

spojcmd login <username>
password: <password>

User Status

To get any user's solved/unsolved problems:

spojcmd status <username>

For your own stats:

spojcmd status

Submit problem on SPOJ (The most fun part)

tackle is your command. The problem name should match its id on SPOJ (case insensitive). The compiler will be guessed by looking at the extention, but you should add the entry in ~/.spojcmdrc if you are using non-default compilers (like python 3.2.3). If you leave the problem name blank, the most recent code will be submitted, (it would ignore input/output/exec files (hopefully :P ))

spojcmd tackle problem_id.cpp

After submitting, wait till a flashing green (well, upto terminal standards) ACCEPTED is displayed.

List problems

Just for the sake of completeness, list argument lists the problems based on some filters. --sort option denoted on which column the list should be sorted. If it is positive, ascending order else descending. Available options:

1 - problem id
2 - problem name
5 - solution id
6 - users count who solved it
7 - percentage of valid solutions

Use list option like this:

spojcmd list --page=2 --sort=1 --problem_set=classical

Get problem statemnt (Beta)

Get problem statement by desc argument.

spojcmd desc problem_id