
A framework for pyautogui automation.

pip install spookyaction==0.3.0


SpookyAction (V0.2.0)

SpookyAction is a Python framework for desktop automation - it takes a configuration-based approach to utilising the PyAutoGUI. At the core of the framework is the Item class. It uses the concept of silent chaining to make writing automated flows quick and simple.

SpookyAction is currently in early alpha, with a huge number of features to be written, things to be refactored and issues to be squashed. The ultimate goal is to create a simplistic, high level way to automate flows across both desktop interactions, API calls and Headless browser usage.

For the moment it is strongly advised that you do not use this in real world projects..

Basic Usage

  1. Create a directory with the following structure:
  2. In imgs/ put all your image files to be turned into Item's.
  3. In ghost.py you want to define and initialise your subset of the Ghost class.
  4. In methods.py you want to define and then register functions to be used by your user, plus your own helper functions.
    from ghost import MyGhost
    def make_a_pie(acceptETC=False):
      menu_select(6, 9, errormsg='we ran out of pie') # a helper function defined in helpers.py
      MyGhost["TextMSGField"].click().write("We made your pie.").typewrite("tab","shift","enter")
      return ["Pie was created successfully"]
  5. In __main__.py write your custom logic for invoking MyGhost.run().

Basic Ghost API

from spookyaction import Ghost
class MyGhostClass(Ghost):
   def start(self, obj, cmd):
   def failed(self, e, obj, cmd):
   def completed(obj, cmd):

MyGhost = MyGhostClass(ocr_key="........") # needs an OCR engine key from Google Cloud if you want to use .read()
MyGhost["piebutton"] # => Item("piebutton")
MGhost.click_all("piebutton", ...) # => clicks all
MyGhost.wait_on("pieloading", ...) # => waits for all 
MyGhost.typewrite("enter") # the Ghost class is a subclass of the UIInterface class, and can be used to access pyautogui.

Basic Item API

clickbox = Item("path/to/clickbox.png")

# a lag tolerant way to locate and then click on the Item's center with optional offsets.
clickbox.click(offx=0, offy=0)

# execute a given function when the Item is found on screen. 
# Lags out after roughly a minute, give or take a bit.
clickbox.run_when_present(given_function, arg1, arg2, kwarg1=None, kwarg2="Hi")

# a property that returns whether an Item is on screen or not. 
clickbox.found # => True or False, dynamically computed. 

# silent-chaining function. best described by the source code. 
def if_found(self, plus=True, errormsg=''):
    if self.found and plus:
        logging.info("%s was found and plus was true", self.picturename)
        return self
        logging.info("%s was not found or plus wasn't true.")
    if not errormsg:
        logging.info("no error message. Returning empty.")
        return Empty()
        logging.info("There is an error message. Raising exception.")
    raise Error(errormsg)
# silent-chaining function that works in the exact reverse of if_found
clickbox.if_not_found().fail("Oh F****")

# automatically raises the custom Error exception used for failure handling in spookyaction. 
clickbox("Error Message")

# type individual keys in
clickbox.typewrite("tab", "enter", "shift")

# write a sentence as a whole 
clickbox.write("how are you today?")

# take a screenshot and save it. 
clickbox.screenshot(offset=(5,10), width=50, height=100)

# read using the Google Cloud OCR.
clickbox.read(offset=(50,100), width=100, height=50) # => returns a string of the characters read off the screenshot.


Feature Name Feature Description Status Version Number
Push out v0.1.0     Make sure all Item methods work as well as the MVP framework.     COMPLETED     V0.1.0
Get OCR Working     Implement capturing of your Google Cloud Key -> .read() will work. COMPLETED   V0.2.0
Run from CSV       Add a method for running the automator based off a CSV + Model.   IN PROGRESS V0.3.0
Static Items       Support for marking items as static, and caching their positions. IN THE FUTURE V0.4.0
Full PyAutoGUI Args Ability to use all PyAutoGUI keyword arguments conveniently.       IN THE FUTURE V0.5.0
Specific Error.     Extensive support for a variety of errors + better error handling IN THE FUTURE V0.6.0
Raw PyAutoGUI Wrapper Turn ui class into a complete convienence wrapper for pyautogui   IN THE FUTURE V0.7.0