
This module generates temporary directories

pip install sptempdir==0.1.5



Function parameters:

sptempdir.TemporaryDirectory(suffix="", prefix="", dir=None, delete=True)

By default temporary directory will be deleted when function it is closed.

Example 1:

The name property returns the name of a temporary directory.

import os
from sptempdir import TemporaryDirectory

with TemporaryDirectory(prefix="prefbegin_", suffix="_suffend") as temp:
	print('temp.name:', temp.name)  # retrieve the name temporary directory
	print('Inside:', os.path.exists(temp.name))
print('Outside:', os.path.exists(temp.name))

Terminal output:

$ temporary_directory.py
temp.name: /tmp/prefbegin_66XxiFkN6Nm4_suffend
Inside: True
Outside: False

Example 2:

import os
from sptempdir import TemporaryDirectory

temp = TemporaryDirectory()
print('temp.name:', temp.name)  # retrieve the name temporary directory
print('Tempdir exists:', os.path.exists(temp.name))

temp.rmtemp()  # manually remove temporary directory
print('Tempdir exists:', os.path.exists(temp.name))

Terminal output:

$ temporary_directory.py
temp.name: /tmp/RCgAzfsATQnb
Tempdir exists: True
Tempdir exists: False

Example 3:

If the delete parameter is delete=False, the temp directory is not deleted.

import os
from sptempdir import TemporaryDirectory

temp = TemporaryDirectory(delete=False)
print('temp.name:', temp.name)  # retrieve the name temporary directory
print('Tempdir exists:', os.path.exists(temp.name))

temp.rmtemp()  # manually remove temporary directory
print('Tempdir exists:', os.path.exists(temp.name))

Terminal output:

$ temporary_directory.py
temp.name: /tmp/kWwCWn42NRsr
Tempdir exists: True
Tempdir exists: False

Example 4:

Specific dir where you want to create temporary directory.

from sptempdir import TemporaryDirectory

temp = TemporaryDirectory(dir="/home/user/Desktop")
print(temp.name)  # retrieve the name temporary directory

Terminal output:

$ temporary_directory.py


pip install sptempdir



(SP)TEMPDIR = ( Simple Python ) TEMPDIR

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