
An alternate sqlite3.connect function that adds unicode case folding functionality.

sqlite, unicode
pip install sqlite_ucf==1.0.1



An alternate sqlite3.connect function that adds unicode case folding functionality.


The builtin sqlite3 module provides access to sqlite databases which support unicode characters:

>>> conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
>>> cur = conn.cursor()
>>> cur.execute('CREATE TABLE test (a text COLLATE NOCASE)')
>>> data = ['A', 'a', 'Á', 'á']
>>> cur.executemany('INSERT INTO test VALUES (?)', [(x,) for x in data])

>>> cur.execute('SELECT * from test').fetchall()
[('A',), ('a',), ('Á',), ('á',)]

However the sqlite functions lower(), upper(), like() and the nocase collation only implement ascii case folding. That is [A-Z] maps to [a-z] and vice versa. This can lead to unexpected results:

>>> cur.execute('SELECT lower(a) from test').fetchall()
[('a',), ('a',), ('Á',), ('á',)]

cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT a from test').fetchall()
[('A',), ('Á',), ('á',)]

The sqlite_ucf (SQLITE Unicode Case Folding) wrapper uses sqlite3.Connection.create_function to override the built-in lower, upper and like functions, and sqlite3.Connection.create_collation to override the built-in nocase collation.

There are 2 ways to enable unicode case folding. Using the sqlite_ucf.connect method with unicode_case_folding=True:

>>> conn = sqlite_ucf.connect(':memory:', unicode_case_folding=True, ...)

or by setting the module variable unicode_case_folding_default to True:

>>> sqlite_ucf.unicode_case_folding_default = True

which will then make all sqlite_ucf.connect calls add unicode case folding to the connection:

>>> conn = sqlite_ucf.connect(':memory:')
>>> cur.execute('SELECT lower(a) from test').fetchall()
[('a',), ('a',), ('á',), ('á',)]

cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT a from test').fetchall()
[('A',), ('Á',)]

You can still use your own sqlite3.Connection subclass with the factory key-word.


Note that the default value for unicode_case_folding_default is False which is the same as using sqlite3 directly. This is because unicode case folding makes the sqlite database non-portable to other languages for which sqlite bindings exist. A unique index on a text column with a nocase collation which is unique when created with sqlite in another language may not be unique with the python unicode case-folding collation function installed. Unicode case folding is not safe to use with databases that will be opened by other non-python applications.