
A simple way to run multiple SQL script pipelines in parallel.

sql, pipeline, etl, parallel, redshift, postgres, postgresql, mysql, async, etl-pipeline
pip install sqlpipe==0.1


SQLPipe - Easy way to build SQL pipelines

With SQLPipe it is possible to create a full pipeline and orchestrate dependencies in a simplified way using SQL. The task management uses the asyncio library, so execution is done with the python coroutine system for parallel executions. image Installation:

pip install sqlpipe

Basic Example

Using SqlPipeBuilder. Once the object has been instantiated, use the add_task method to add the scripts to be executed, you must specify a different id for each task, if one task depends on another, use the parent_id parameter to configure the dependency.

from sqlpipe import SqlPipeBuilder

con_str =  'postgres://user:pass@host:port/dbname'
pipe =  SqlPipeBuilder(con_str, connections_limit=5)

# Add custom script
pipe.add_task(id='id_2', script='truncate table t1;', parent_id='id_1')

# Add SQL file script
pipe.add_task(id='id_1', script='queries/tables/t1.sql', file=True)

# Add all .sql in directory

# Execute all pipeline
# Start from specifc task

Using CLI Call the CLI and pass the directory (-d or --directory) parameter, after that all .sql files in the directory and subdirectories will be started. To configure a dependency just put the dependency in a comment on script file, example /* @parent=my-parent-task */.

python -m sqlpipe -d queries

It's possible to call specific task passing the task parameter (-t or --task).

python -m sqlpipe -d queries -t task-id

Supported Databases

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redshift

Licence 📜 Code released under the MIT license.