
CLI tool for AWS SSM parameter

pip install ssmp==0.0.2


AWS SSM parameter helper cli I created for myself


pip3 install ssmp


ssmp --help

use docker

docker run yikaus/ssmp


list all parameters only under the path , no recursive.

$ ssmp ls /
Name   Value
test   test111
test2  test222
$ ssmp ls /test
Name       Value
/test/abc  test111
/test/cde  test

showing all columns

$ ssmp ls -a /
Name    Type    Value  Version LastModifiedDate
test   String  test111  1       19/12/12 21:09
test2  String  test222  1       19/12/16 20:31

list recursively

$ ssmp ls -r /
Name        Value
/test/abc   test111
/test/cde   test
test        test111
test2       test222
$ ssmp ls -ra /
Name        Type    Value    Version  LastModifiedDate
/test/abc   String  test111 1         19/12/12 21:11
/test/cde   String  test    1         19/12/16 20:32
test        String  test111 1         19/12/12 21:09
test2       String  test222 1         19/12/16 20:31

list without displaying header

$ ssmp ls -raq /
/test/abc   String  test111 1         19/12/12 21:11
/test/cde   String  test    1         19/12/16 20:32
test        String  test111 1         19/12/12 21:09
test2       String  test222 1         19/12/16 20:31

Search key under the path recursive or no recursive

$ ssmp grep ab /
Not found
$ ssmp grep -r ab /
Name       Value
/test/abc  test111
$ ssmp grep abc /test
Name       Value
/test/abc  test111

Search value of parameters

$ ssmp grep -rv 11 /
Name       Value
/test/abc  test111
test       test111
$ ssmp grep -v 11 /
Name       Value
test       test111

Run from docker to use local aws config

$ docker run --rm -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws yikaus/ssmp grep -rv 11 /
Name       Value
/test/abc  test111
test       test111