
Reports errors to Stackdriver Error Reporting

pip install stackdriver-error-reporting==1.1.1



This module formats information into a JSON payload that will be read and interpreted by Stackdriver Logging and Stackdriver Error Reporting to make sure it appears in Stackdriver Error Reporting.

As yet, it makes no external requests and relies fully on the existence of logging agents that scrape the stdout and stderr for system logs.


pip install stackdriver-error-reporting


from stackdriver_error_reporting import StackdriverReporter

logger = StackdriverReporter(service_name='some-python-service', service_version='1.0.0')

# Report just the error
    raise ValueError("Wrong value!!")
except ValueError:

# Report a request-related error:
import requests

API = 'http://some-api-endpoint'
    resp = requests.get(API)
except HTTPError:
    context = {'httpRequest':{'responseStatusCode':500, 'method':'post', 'url': API}}

logger.log_error(context={}, additional_fields={}, severity='error')

Parameter Required? Default Example Note:
context No See the subsection context
additional_fields No Any dict containing additional information for troubleshooting errors Make sure not to override any of the properties described in More on reporting errors to Stackdriver Error Reporting.
severity No error error, or critical for breaking errors


Key Description
httpRequest Object with HTTP request-related fields
reportLocation Object with [manual] description. Use if you don't have a proper exception context
user Integer or string identifying the user triggering the error
For more info, refer to More on reporting errors to Stackdriver Error Reporting

Service context

The name and version of the service. You can pass them yourself as an object (see example) or by setting the SERVICE_VERSION and SERVICE_NAME environment variables.

In Stackdriver Error Reporting, these values will be reflected in the Seen in column. This also facilitates the automatic grouping of errors.

Payload validation

You can use the gcloud CLI to push a JSON payload to Stackdriver Logging if you wish to validate its structure and that it properly ends up in Error Reporting:

gcloud beta logging write --payload-type=json test-errors-log '{"serviceContext": {"version": "1.1.4", "service": "recommender"}, "message": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"\", line 36, in <module>\n    int(\"a\")\nValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'a'\n", "severity": "error"}'

You might have to install some beta tools for Google Cloud SDK (in which case you'll be prompted to do so anyway).

More on reporting errors to Stackdriver Error Reporting

Stackdriver Logging picks up almost everything that is printed to stdout and stderr within the cluster by default, but not every error ends up in Stackdriver Error Reporting by default.

In order to enforce this behaviour, we need to log messages according to a certain structure (read more here):

  "eventTime": string, // Seems superfluous, is inferred by the logging agents
  "serviceContext": {
    "service": string,     // Required
    "version": string
  "message": string,       // Required. Should contain the full exception
                           // message, including the stack trace.
  "context": {
    "httpRequest": {
      "method": string,
      "url": string,
      "userAgent": string,
      "referrer": string,
      "responseStatusCode": number,
      "remoteIp": string
    "user": string,
    "reportLocation": {    // Required if no stack trace in 'message'.
      "filePath": string,
      "lineNumber": number,
      "functionName": string

Note: Log JSON payloads without any pretty printing and unnecessary whitespaces/newlines as Stackdriver cannot handle this properly.