
Stellar surface maker

eclipsing, binaries, astronomy, analysis, physic, stellar
pip install stasma==0.1.2


STellAr Surface MAker


Stasma is python package created to make binary and single star systems modeling easier. Inside the package, Roche potential is implemented as a generalized implicit description of binary star surface and simple potential for single rotating star.

Stasma is a precursor for elisa package that is currently in development, and it is intended to be application with full implementation of eclipsing binary star and single star physics including light curve modeling including pulsations.


Stasma is a python package which requires python v3.6+ and has following dependencies:


Nevertheless, versions are specified precisely, it doesn't mean that stasma won't work with higher versions, it just was not tested with other versions of mentioned python packages.

stasma is multiplatform library fully supported on Linux and Windows operating systems.

How to

The following guide describes all capabilities and features of this package.


As an any python package, stasma the easiest and safer way to install is to create python virtual environment and install all requirements into it. Here is a simple guide, how to od it. Details of installation differ in dependence on the selected operating system.

Ubuntu [or similar]

First, you have to install Python 3.6 or higher. In newest stable version Ubuntu 18.04 there is already preinstalled python 3.6.x. In older versions, you will have to add repository and install it manually.

Install pip3 python package manager if is not already installed on your system, usually by execution of command:

apt install -y python3-pip

Install virtual environment by command:

pip3 install virtualenv

To create virtual environment, create directory where python virtual environment will be stored, e.g. /<any>/<path>/env36 and run following command:

virtualenv /<any>/<path>/env36 --python=python3.6

After few moments you virtual environment is created and ready for use. In terminal window, activate virtual environment:

. /<any>/<path>/env36/bin/activate

When virtual environment is activated, install stasma by:

pip3 install stasma


To install python in windows, download python 3.6.x installation package from official python web site. Installation package will create all necessary dependencies with exception of virtual environment. Install virtual environment by execution of following command in command line:

pip3 install virtualenv

Make sure a proper version of python and pip is used. When done, create directory where virtual environment will be stored and run:

virtualenv /<any>/<path>/env36 --python=python3.6

Now, when virtual environment is prepared, run:

. /<any>/<path>/env36/Scripts/activate

And finally install stasma:

pip3 install stasma


Currently, you have a possibility to configure logging level and logging structure. By default, logging level is specified by json logging definition deployed in site-packages (installation directory of all python packages). If you want to enable logging, just import configuration module and run setup logging function

from stasma.conf import config

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you wish to change a logging, define your own json configuration and setup path in stasma configuration ini file


Configuration ini file has to be supplied either as environment variable STASMA_CONFIG or stored in your virtual environment directory as conf/stasma_conf.ini.

Important api docs

class define Star instance

param name:

char; name of instance

param suppress_logger:

bool; enable/disable logger

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • mass * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity;
    mass of Start object
  • surface_potential * -- float;
    unit-less Roche surface potential of Star
  • synchronicity * -- float;
    synchronicity of Star defined in generalized Roche potential as ratio of rotational angular velocity to orbital angular velocity
  • discretization_factor * -- float;
    average angular distance of two nearest points on Star surface
  • spots * -- list of dicts;
    list of spots definition (see from stasma.base.Spot)
  • mass * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity;
    mass of Start object
  • polar_log_g * -- float;
    polar gravity acceleration in log10 of cgs units
  • color * -- list; [<0-255>, <0-255>, <0-255>]
    color definition for plotting

important accessible properties computed on fly:

  • critical_surface_potential
  • backward_radius
  • forward_radius
  • polar_radius
  • side_radius


instances of this class are used as a container for individual spot defined for each Star; it is not intended to be used stand alone

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • longitude * -- float;
    longitude of spot center
  • latitude * -- float;
    latitude of spot center
  • angular_diameter * -- float;
    angular diameter of spot
  • discretization_factor * -- float;
    discretization factor of spor, if not specified, discretization of parent Star will be used
  • color * -- list; [<0-255>, <0-255>, <0-255>]
    color definition for plotting for given spot


param name:

char; name of instance

param suppress_logger:

bool; enable/disable loggerd

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • period * --;;
    instance of Star
  • inclination * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity;
    inclination of binary system; default unit is degree
  • rotation_period * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity;
    rotation period of star; default unit is day

stasma.single_system.system.SingleSystem.build_mesh(self, return_mesh=False):

user face method for building mesh; as mesh we define a set of points on surface of star objects.

param return_mesh: bool; if True, return surface points of object (spots included); return value of method will be numpy.arrays like numpy.array(<points>)
return: numpy.array or None

stasma.single_system.system.SingleSystem.build_surface(self, return_surface=False):

user face method to build surface; there is assumption that build_mesh() was called before this method, otherwise calling this method will lead to crash

param return_surface: bool; if True, return value of method will be tuple like (points, faces)
return: Tuple or None

stasma.single_system.system.SingleSystem.plot.equipotential(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • axis_unit * -- any astropy.unit lenght unit, eg. astropy.units.solRad, astropy.units.AU, astropy.units.m, etc. if empty astropy.units.solRad is assumed;

stasma.single_system.system.SingleSystem.plot.mesh(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • axis_unit * -- any astropy.unit lenght unit, eg. astropy.units.solRad, astropy.units.AU, astropy.units.m, etc. if empty astropy.units.solRad is assumed;
  • plot_axis * -- enable/disable axis in resulting plot, deafault is True;
  • inclination * -- angle between rotational axis and line of sight;
  • azimuth * -- angle between 0 latitude meridian and line of sight;

stasma.single_system.system.SingleSystem.plot.wireframe(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • axis_unit * -- any astropy.unit lenght unit, eg. astropy.units.solRad, astropy.units.AU, astropy.units.m, etc. if empty astropy.units.solRad is assumed;
  • plot_axis * -- enable/disable axis in resulting plot, deafault is True;
  • inclination * -- angle between rotational axis and line of sight;
  • azimuth * -- angle between 0 latitude meridian and line of sight;

stasma.single_system.system.SingleSystem.plot.surface(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • axis_unit * -- any astropy.unit lenght unit, eg. astropy.units.solRad, astropy.units.AU, astropy.units.m, etc. if empty astropy.units.solRad is assumed;
  • edges * -- enable/disable edge highlight of faces, default is True;
  • normals * -- enable/disable normal vector of faces, default is False;
  • inclination * -- angle between rotational axis and line of sight;
  • azimuth * -- angle between 0 latitude meridian and line of sight;
  • units * -- any astropy.unit lenght unit, eg. astropy.units.solRad, astropy.units.AU, astropy.units.m, etc. if empty astropy.units.solRad is assumed;


param name:

char; name of instance

param primary:; instance of primary Star

param secondary:; instance of secondary Star

param suppress_logger:

bool; enable/disable logger

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • period * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity; period of binary system, default unit is day
  • eccentricity * -- float; eccentricity of binary system
  • inclination * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity; inclination of binary system; default unit is radian
  • argument_of_periastron * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity; argument_of_periastron of binary system; default unit is radian

user face methods:

stasma.binary_system.system.BinarySystem.build_mesh(self, component=None, components_distance=None, return_mesh=False):

user face method for building mesh; as mesh we define a points surface of star objects.

param component: str or list; define component to build surface for; if None, surface for both components will be evaluated
param components_distance: float;
param return_surface: bool; if True, return points of objects (spots included); return value of method will be dictionary of numpy.arrays like {"primary": numpy.array(<points>), "secondary": numpy.array(<points>)}
return: Dict or None

stasma.binary_system.system.BinarySystem.build_surface(self, component=None, components_distance=None, return_surface=False):

user face method to build surface.;There is assumption that build_mesh() was called before this method, otherwise calling this method will lead to crash

param component: str or list; define component to build surface for; if None, surface for both components will be evaluated
param components_distance: float;
param return_surface: bool; if True, return value of method will be tuple like (points, faces)
return: Tuple or None

stasma.binary_system.system.BinarySystem.plot.orbit(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • start_phase * -- float;
  • stop_phase * -- float;
  • number_of_points * -- int;
  • axis_unit * -- any astropy.unit lenght unit or dimensionless, eg. astropy.units.solRad, astropy.units.AU, astropy.units.m, etc., if empty dimensionless is assumed where semi major axis is set to 1;
  • frame_of_reference * -- str; primary or barycenter

stasma.binary_system.system.BinarySystem.plot.equipotential(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • plane * -- str; xy, yz, zy
  • phase * -- float;

stasma.binary_system.system.BinarySystem.plot.mesh(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • phase * -- float;
  • components_to_plot * -- str; primary, secondary or both
  • plot_axis * -- bool;
  • inclination * -- angle between orbital axis and line of sight;
  • azimuth * -- photometric phase of the system;

stasma.binary_system.system.BinarySystem.plot.wireframe(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • phase * -- float;
  • components_to_plot * -- str; primary, secondary or both
  • plot_axis * -- bool;
  • inclination * -- angle between orbital axis and line of sight;
  • azimuth * -- photometric phase of the system;

stasma.binary_system.system.BinarySystem.plot.surface(self, **kwargs):

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • phase * -- float;
  • components_to_plot * -- str; primary, secondary or both
  • normals * -- bool;
  • edges * -- bool;
  • plot_axis * -- bool;
  • inclination * -- float or wtf;
  • azimuth * -- float;
  • units * -- any astropy.unit lenght unit or dimensionless, eg. astropy.units.solRad, astropy.units.AU, astropy.units.m, etc., if empty dimensionless is assumed where semi major axis is set to 1;

important accessible properties computed on fly:

  • semi_major_axis
  • morphology
  • mass_ratio
  • orbit


param suppress_logger:

bool; enable/disable logger

param kwargs:
kwargs options:
  • period * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity; period of binary system, default unit is day
  • eccentricity * -- float; eccentricity of binary system
  • inclination * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity; inclination of binary system; default unit is degree
  • argument_of_periastron * -- float or astropy.units.Quantity; argument_of_periastron of binary system; default unit is radian

user face methods:

stasma.binary_system.orbit.Orbit.orbital_motion(self, phase=None):

function takes photometric phase of the binary system as input and calculates positions of the secondary component in the frame of reference of primary component

param phase: numpy.array or numpy.float
return: numpy.array: matrix consisting of column stacked vectors distance, azimut angle, true anomaly and phase
numpy.array((r1, az1, ni1, phs1),
            (r2, az2, ni2, phs2),
            (rN, azN, niN, phsN))

important accessible properties computed on fly:

  • periastron_distance
  • periastron_phase

Basic examples and usage

Create binary sytem

from astropy import units
from import Star
from stasma.binary_system.system import BinarySystem

def main():

     primary = Star(
        mass=2.0 * units.solMass,
        color=[0, 255, 0]
    secondary = Star(
        mass=1.0 * units.solMass,
        color=[255, 0, 0]

    bs = BinarySystem(
        argument_of_periastron=90 * units.deg,
        period=1 * units.d,
        inclination=90 * units.deg

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create single system

from astropy import units
from import Star
from stasma.single_system.system import SingleSystem

def main():

    star = Star(
        mass=1.0 * units.solMass,
        polar_log_g=4.1 * units.dex( / units.s ** 2),
        color=[255, 0, 0]

    single = SingleSystem(
        inclination=90 * units.deg,
        rotation_period=0.5 * units.d

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create binary sytem with three spots on primary and one spot on secondary component

from astropy import units
from import Star
from stasma.binary_system.system import BinarySystem

def main():

    spots_metadata = {
            {"longitude": 90,
             "latitude": 58,
             "angular_diameter": 15},
            {"longitude": 85,
             "latitude": 80,
             "angular_diameter": 30},
            {"longitude": 45,
             "latitude": 90,
             "angular_diameter": 30},

            {"longitude": 90,
             "latitude": 0,
             "angular_diameter": 40},

    primary = Star(
        mass=2.0 * units.solMass,
        color=[0, 255, 0]
    secondary = Star(
        mass=1.0 * units.solMass,
        color=[255, 0, 0]

    bs = BinarySystem(
        argument_of_periastron=90 * units.deg,
        period=1 * units.d,
        inclination=90 * units.deg,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Build mesh and surface of objects in binary system

note: parameter componetn_distance is driven parameter to involve capability to compute and create system in different part of eccentric orbit

After computation, properties like ``points`` or ``faces`` are available from Star class instaces.

def main():
    # definitions




if __name__ == "__main__":

Build mesh and surface of objects in single system

After computation, properties like ``points`` or ``faces`` are available from Star class instace.

def main():
    # definitions




if __name__ == "__main__":

Plot binary star system wireframe

def main():
    # definitions



if __name__ == "__main__":