
A small package that allows you to easily edit STIG (CKL files) quickly.

pip install stig-edit==1.0.6




The purpose of this package is to allow you to quickly and easily edit STIG files (in ckl format). With this you can read and make changes to the target data within the check list. You can also make changes to individual checks.

Editable Fields

The following fields are able to be modified with this package:

Target Data

Available Targets Available Fields Examples
ROLE None, Workstation, Member Server, Domain Controller Member Server
ASSET_TYPE Computing, Non-Computing Computing
HOST_NAME Any test_hostname1
HOST_MAC Any 00:00:5e:00:53:af
TARGET_COMMENT Any This is a test server.
TECH_AREA See footnote for options. 1 UNIX OS
WEB_OR_DATABASE true, false false
WEB_DB_SITE Any (Only if WEB_OR_DATABASE is set to true) Chicago
WEB_DB_INSTANCE Any (Only if WEB_OR_DATABASE is set to true) test01

vKey Data

Available to Edit Available Fields Examples
STATUS Not_Reviewed, Not_Applicable, NotAFinding, Open NotAFinding
FINDING_DETAILS Any The check returned no results
COMMENTS Any Fixed on July 4, 1776

Modules Available


This module returns all target data for the ckl file that is parsed.

Parameters Description Examples Required
filename Filename of CKL file to parse. testfile.txt yes


import ckl_editor

write_target_data(file_name, key, value)

This module can write to any of the Target Data fields shown in the Editable Fields/Target Data section. Note the values because some fields must match a list of predefined values or the STIG Viewer will not be able to open the file.

Before running this module, you need to run the load_target_data() module and use that as the input for target_list.

Parameters Description Examples Required
filename Filename of CKL file to parse. testfile.txt yes
key Target field name that you want to edit ROLE yes
value The value that you want to set the target field to Workstation yes


import ckl_editor

ckl_editor.write_target_data(file_name="test.ckl", key="ROLE", value="Member Server")

write_vkey_data(file_name, key, status, finding_details, comments)

This module can write status, finding_details, and comments to any vkey that exists in your CKL file. It will error out if the vkey does not exists. Some of the fileds such as status have a list of predefined values you must use or the STIG Viewer will not be able to open the file.

Before running this module, you need to run the load_vkey_data() module and use that as the input for vkeylist.

Parameters Description Examples Required
filename Filename of CKL file to parse. testfile.txt yes
key The vkey that you want to edit in the checklist V-230222 yes
status The value that you want to set the status to. NotAFinding yes
finding_details Any information you want to put in the finding details The check returned no results. yes
comments Any information you want to put in the comments Fixed on July 4, 1776 yes
import ckl_editor

ckl_editor.write_vkey_data(file_name="test.ckl", key="V-230222", status="Not_Reviewed", finding_details="Server was patched.\nThis is not a finding", comments="No Comment.")


  1. TECH_AREA Options: Application Review, Boundary Security, CDS Admin Review, CDS Technical Review, Database Review, Domain Name System (DNS), Exchange Server, Host Based System Security (HBSS), Internal Network, Mobility, Releasable Networks (REL), Traditional Security, UNIX OS, VVOIP Review, Web Review, Windows OS, Other Review