
A simple set of checks for typical Agile Story Readiness criteria (GWTS, Story Format,...)

pip install storyready==0.0.3


Story Ready

Story Ready is a very simple Python library that takes a list of stories and performs a number of common readniess checks:

  • Acceptance Criteria: Given, When, Thens
  • User Story format: As a, I want, So that
  • Story size over percentage of velocity
  • Rank a bunch of stories by all criteria


Install and update using `pip`_:

pip install storyready

A simple example

from storyready import Story, has_gwt

stories = [Story(1,"a story with no gwts",0),
           Story(2,"Given this When that Then the other etc.",0)]

no_gwts = has_gwt(stories)

print("%{0} stories don't have GWTs".format(len(no_gwts))