
a webscraping for pypi download statistics

pip install stpip==19.3.6


What is stpip?


stpip is a simple webscraping program the looks for pypi download statistics from the webpage []

How to install stpip?

A simple pip install stpip will do the installation, with the only dependencies. The last version is 19.3.2.

How to use it?

To display the help you can stpip --help and you will get:

`usage: stpip [-h] [-w] [-m] [-t] [--version] package

A web scraping for pypi download stats, version 19.3.0, Licence: GPL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -p P        file, or list of file separated by comas (no space)
  -w          if you just want the last week download counts
  -m          if you just want the last month download counts
  -t          if you just want download counts all time
  --version   Display the version of stpip

The only mandatory argument is the name of the package. Providing only this one will give all the information. For example, matplotlip:

>> stpip -p matplotlib

will give:

      Download counts for matplotlib 
 Total all time: 48011552
 Total last 30 days: 6327682
 Total last 7 days: 1790028
 last day 2019-03-18: 234,726
--> visit 

Then you can ask for some particular information with the '-t' (only total), '-m' (last month) and '-w' (only last week):

>> stpip -p matplotlib -t

will give:

      Download counts for matplotlib 
 Total all time: 48011552
--> visit 

You can also give multiple packages:

>> stpip -p matplotlib,numpy

will give:

      Download counts for matplotlib 
 Total all time: 48011552
 Total last 30 days: 6327682
 Total last 7 days: 1790028
 last day 2019-03-18: 234,726
--> visit 

      Download counts for numpy 
 Total all time: 171005305
 Total last 30 days: 20108764
 Total last 7 days: 4608706
 last day 2019-03-18: 736,912
--> visit 