
monitoring and alerting program for data streams such as recording files that update regularly

pip install stream_monitor==2018.8.26.1543



This program monitors a specified set of data streams (files) for changes. If a file is not changed in a specified time, an alert is sent using scalar.


pip install stream_monitor

Set up scalar, as described here.

configuration and usage

A JSON configuration file (by default stream_monitor_configuration.json) guides the program on the streams to monitor and their required update times. Its contents are of the following form:

    "streams": {
        "./recording.csv": {"update_time"}: 30

In this example configuration, recording.csv is a filepath to monitor for changes and 30 is the time in seconds within which the filepath should change.

When the program stream_monitor is executed, it imports the configuration and runs in a continuous loop, sending an alert whenever it detects that a stream is not being updated in its expected update time. The script has options for the configuration filepath, alarms, checking interval and verbosity (see stream_monitor --help).