
replacement for string.Formatter, supporting empty keys (recursively)

pip install string_formatter==1.1.0



This package is a back-port of string.Formatter and its tests to Python 2.7 and 3.3 (and 3.4.0 as shipping with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/Linux Mint 17)

It allows empty keys in format strings as introduced in Python 3.4.1, and fixes a bug ( "{:<{}} {}" ) when using nested empty keys, that is available in all versions of string.Formatter() allowing empty keys (up to at least 3.5.0rc3).


The package can be used as a replacement for string:

import string_formatter as string


Additionally this package includes two additional formatters TrailingFormatter and TrailingLookupFormatter.


TrailingFormatter``allows a type specification ``t with a single character parameter. That parameter will be added to the (stringified) value before applying (left-aligned) formatting. This way it is possible to add a trailing colon directly attached to a key:

import string_formatter as string

fmt = string.TrailingFormatter()
d = dict(a=1, bc=2, xyz=18)
for key in sorted(d):
    print(fmt.format("{:t{}<{}} {:>3}", key, ':', 15, d[key]))


a:                1
bc:               2
xyz:             18

because of the formatting internals, this is however restricted to inserting a single character.


TrailingLookupFormatter works similar to TrailingFormatter, but instead of inserting the character, the character looked up in a mapping that is part of the formatter. This lookup can be set by providing parameters at the time of instantiation, or at a later point. (In the following example named fields are used, but this works with empty fields as well.)

from string_formatter import TrailingLookupFormatter

fmt = TrailingLookupFormatter(p='(parenthesis)')
fmt.lookup['s'] = '[square-brackets]'
fmt.lookup['c'] = '{curly-braces}'

for x in 'psc':
    print(fmt.format("{fun:t{t}<{width}} by using{t:>2}",
                     fun=x.upper()*3,t=x, width=25))


PPP(parenthesis)          by using p
SSS[square-brackets]      by using s
CCC{curly-braces}         by using c