
Use the SenseTecnic Systems Platform API

pip install stsplatform==0.1.0


STSPlatform Client

This library allows developers to use the STS Platform (including the FREE version 'WoTKit').


  • Requests >= 2.2.1

Installing the library

You can install using pip with:

pip install stsplatform

Getting Started

Import the library:

import stsplatform.client as sts

Create an STS Platform client:

w = sts.Client()

Print a sensor hosted in the platform

s = sts.Sensors(w,'mike.yvr-arrive')
print s.get().data

Print some data (last data point)

d = sts.Data(s)
print d.get({'beforeE':1}).data

Using the library

All methods rely on the Client Class. The parameter CONF is not required, but allows you to configure your client to specify your credentials and url of the STS Platform instance you want to access. By default the client will use the community edition of the STS Platform (WoTKit):

A common configuration object is:

CONF = {
  "auth":{"key_id":KEY_ID, "key_password":KEY_PASSWORD},  

You can then instantiate your client like this:

c = sts.Client(CONF)

To access resources you build them up hierarchically. A sensor lives in an STS Platform Server:

c = sts.Client(CONF)
s = sts.Sensors(c, 'SENSORNAME')

Sensor data lives in a Sensor:

c = sts.Client(CONF)
s = sts.Sensors(c, 'SENSORNAME')
d = sts.Data(s)

And so on. Each element that uses the Client class can access GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods. These methods take parameters and return a STSPlatformResponse object containing "data" and "code". Data is the parsed response from the STS Platform server. Code is an integer response code from the STS Platform server:

c = sts.Client(CONF)
s = sts.Sensors(c, 'SENSORNAME')
d = sts.Data(s)
response = d.get({'parameter':'parametervalue'})

print response.code

For more information on the API, support and examples visit

Supported Resources

To get started, import the library:

import stsplatform.client as sts

Configuring the client

You can configure the client to use a different STS Platform URL (in this case the free version 'WoTKit'). You can also configure it to use a username and password, or a valid key_id and key_password:

conf = {
  #"auth":{"username":USERNAME, "password":PASSWORD},
  #"auth":{"key_id":KEY_ID, "key_password":KEY_PASSWORD},  
client = sts.Client(conf)

Get Sensors

c = sts.Client(CONF)
s = sts.Sensors(c, SENSOR_NAME)
print s.get().data

Get Data:

c = sts.Client(CONF)
s = sts.Sensors(c, SENSOR_NAME)
d = sts.Data(s)
print d.get({'beforeE':1}).data

Publish Data

c = sts.Client(CONF)
s = sts.Sensors(c, SENSOR_NAME)
d = w.Data(s)
print{"value":620}).code #print reponse code
print d.get({"beforeE":"1"}).data

Get Sensor Fields

c = sts.Client(CONF)
s = sts.Sensors(c, SENSOR_NAME)
fs = c.Fields(s)
print fs.get().data
f = c.Fields(s, "value")
print f.get().data


c = sts.Client(CONF)
o = sts.Orgs(c, "sensetecnic")
print o.get().data


Clone the latest stable (Master) repository:

git clone
cd stsplatform-lib-python

Run the tests:

python test

Install in system for development (creates a link to your project)

python develop

Don't forget to check your test test coverage before publishing

python -m coverage run test
python -m coverage report -m