
Magically add auto complete to your python project

pip install suggestive==0.0.1



Magically add auto-complete to your python project.

Suggestive is a very simple python library that allows you to easily add the auto-complete feature to your project. It works for any kind of python project, even if it's not web based.

Talk is cheap show me the code

Well, usually you have follow two steps to get your auto-complete running properly. First, you need to index things, then you can search for them. Let's see examples for both steps separately.


>>> data = [
...     {"id": 0, "name": "Lincoln", "score": 123},
...     {"id": 1, "name": "Livia", "score": 12345},
...     {"id": 5, "name": "Linus", "score": 123456},  # Rita's brother! :)
... ]
>>> import redis
>>> from suggestive import Suggestive, RedisBackend
>>> s = Suggestive(RedisBackend(conn=redis.StrictRedis()))
>>> s.index(data, field='name')

That's it. Your data is cached inside of redis.


Things are fairly easier in this step. You just need to setup the suggestive instance and use the suggest method:

>>> import redis
>>> from suggestive import Suggestive, RedisBackend
>>> s = Suggestive(RedisBackend(conn=redis.StrictRedis()))
>>> s.suggest('lin')
[{u'score': 123456, u'id': 5, u'name': u'Linus'}, {u'score': 123, u'id': 0, u'name': u'Lincoln'}]


Our API is not pretty stable yet, the way we choose the pass the backend instance to the Suggestive instance will be changed to use a uri. But we will definitely keep the compatibility with this version, since it makes things way easier when writing tests.

There are some very simple things that we're not doing either, like adding limit and offset parameters to the suggest() method. We're planning to add this feature and some others as soon as the rest of the code gets more stable.