
SuperParseNmap is a command line utility that parses nmap XML into CSV or Excel format.

nmap, parser, excel, csv
pip install superparsenmap==1.0.1


SuperParseNmap: Yet Another (super!) Nmap Parser

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Table of Contents


SuperParseNmap is a command line utility that generates files containing open port summaries from nmap XML.

  • Supported outputs are CSV and Excel. Excel will contain additional sheets split grouped by port number and containing correlated IP addresses.
  • Additional option for outputting IP address lists to flat files grouped by port for importing into command-line interface security tools.

Where to get it

The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:

Binary installers for the latest released version are available at the Python Package Index (PyPI)

# PyPI
pip3 install superparsenmap

pip Installation From Source

In the superparsenmap directory (same one where you found this file after cloning the git repo), execute:

> python3 -m build
> pip3 install dist/superparsenmap-1.x.x.tar.gz
> pip3 show superparsenmap # Check the install location and ensure it's registered in your $PATH/PATH
> superparsenmap --help

Manual Usage

In the superparsenmap directory (same one where you found this file after cloning the git repo), execute:

# Build the project first
python3 -m build




python3 -m superparsenmap

Usage Examples:

To run the script with minimum required options:

superparsenmap -i nmap_results.xml

To specify an output file:

superparsenmap -i nmap_results.xml -o hosts --excel

To overwrite the output file if it already exists:

superparsenmap -i nmap_results.xml -o output_result --overwrite

To generate a directory of text files grouped by ports:

superparsenmap -i nmap_results.xml --txt

To display help for available operations:

superparsenmap --help


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). See license.txt

Python Version Support

This project requires Python 3. It does not support Python 2.