
ConfigFormatter helps you to follow the naming patterns of Google Cloud resources in your Python application.

pip install surquest-utils-config-formatter==0.0.1rc1


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Standalone Loader class simplifies loading of content from files .yaml, .json, .sql, and .txt.

Quick Start

# import the Loader class
from surquest.utils.loader import Loader

# load a yaml file
config_yaml = Loader.load(path="./path/to/config.yaml")
# alternatively load of yaml file
config_yaml = Loader.load_yaml(path="./path/to/config.yaml")

# load a json file
config_json = Loader.load(path="./path/to/config.json")
# alternatively load of json file
config_json = Loader.load_json(path="./path/to/config.json")

# load a sql file
config_sql = Loader.load(path="./path/to/config.sql")
# alternatively load of sql file
config_sql = Loader.load_sql(path="./path/to/config.sql")


pip install surquest-utils-loader

Additional information

Content loaded from JSON or YAML files is returned as a DictDot (dictionary which keys are accessible as attributes). This allows you to access the content of the file using the dot notation. Lets assume example.yaml contains the following content:

  name: Smith
  - name: John # father
    age: 40
  - name: Jane # mother
    age: 38

You can access the content of the file using the dot notation:

from surquest.utils.loader import Loader

config = Loader.load_yaml(path="./path/to/example.yaml")

print( # Smith
print([0].name) # John
print([1].name) # Jane

In case you don't want to use the dot notation you can use the standard dictionary as output format for the loaded content:

from surquest.utils.loader import Loader

config = Loader.load_yaml(path="./path/to/example.yaml", output_type=dict)

Local development

You are more than welcome to contribute to this project. To make your start easier we have prepared a docker image with all the necessary tools to run it as interpreter for Pycharm or to run tests.

Build docker image

docker build `
     --tag surquest/utils/loader `
     --file package.base.dockerfile `
     --target test .

Run tests

docker run --rm -it `
 -v "${pwd}:/opt/project" `
 -w "/opt/project/test" `
 surquest/utils/loader pytest