
python SDK for switch service to publish messages on topics

pubsub, events, sdk
pip install switcher==0.1.8



PyPI version Build Status: License: MIT

python version of switch sdk, allows to publish messages on any topic to trigger all configured subscribers at switch service. https://github.com/Kareem-Emad/switch


To install the package

pip install switcher

How To Use

first make sure you set up the env variable properlly for:

  • SWITCH_JWT_SECRET the secret key used to sign tokens for switch service, should be same env as the service itself

  • SWITCH_BASE_URL the base url of the hosted switch service

from switcher import publisher
publisher.publish('hellow', 'me', {'body': {'hello': 'world'}})

params in order:

  • topic the topic name you wish to trigger subscribers on

  • author your service identifier string(anything you want)

  • options a dict containing the data you wish to include in your request:

    • body body dict of your request if it's a post/patch/.. request
    • headers headers to be sent to the subscriber in the request headers
    • query_params a dict containing any query params you wish to add to the subscribers' url ({param: value} => https://google.com?param=value)
    • path_params a dict containing any path variables you wish to subtitute if exits in any of the subscirbers url, example {id: 1} https://googl.com/:id will be transformed to https://googl.com/1
    • http_method string representing the http method you wish to use when triggering the subscribers for this topic