
A library to split data into tokens

pip install tally-token==0.2.0



Python PyPI version shields.io License codecov

What is this?

tally-token is a Python library for split data into tokens with same length.

Tally is a historical object for prove something by splitting wood into tokens and matching tokens.

Medieval English split tally stick (front and reverse view). The stick is notched and inscribed to record a debt owed to the rural dean of Preston Candover, Hampshire, of a tithe of 20d each on 32 sheep, amounting to a total sum of £2 13s. 4d.



$ pip install tally-token

CLI Usage

$ tally-token --help
usage: tally-token [-h] {split,merge} ...

positional arguments:
  {split,merge}  Commands: split: split a file into multiple files merge: merge multiple files into a fileExample: tally-token split example.bin
                 example.bin.1 example.bin.2 example.bin.3 tally-token merge example-merged.bin example.bin.1 example.bin.2 example.bin.3

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit


You can use split to split a file into multiple files.

$ tally-token split something.bin split-1.bin split-2.bin split-3.bin


You can use merge to merge multiple files into a file.

$ tally-token merge merged.bin split-1.bin split-2.bin split-3.bin

Large files

Nothing special. You can split and merge large file.

$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=original.1g.bin bs=1G count=1
$ tally-token split original.1g.bin split-1.bin split-2.bin split-3.bin
$ shasum -a 256 original.1g.bin
> 736a344d99d27e2dcdab8bc37ca94c83eda26f812a3dee87ac98989f89b3f965 original.1g.bin
$ tally-token merge recovery.1g.bin split-1.bin split-2.bin split-3.bin
$ shasum -a 256 recovery.1g.bin
> 736a344d99d27e2dcdab8bc37ca94c83eda26f812a3dee87ac98989f89b3f965 recovery.1g.bin



You can use split_text to split text into tokens. split_text returns list of random bytes.

>>> from tally_token import split_text
>>> split_text("Hello, World!")
[b'qQ\xa5\x97\x84\x88\xd7U%\xfb(k\xa1', b'94\xc9\xfb\xeb\xa4\xf7\x02J\x89D\x0f\x80']


You can use merge_text to merge tokens into text. merge_text returns cleartext.

>>> from tally_token import merge_text
>>> merge_text([b'qQ\xa5\x97\x84\x88\xd7U%\xfb(k\xa1', b'94\xc9\xfb\xeb\xa4\xf7\x02J\x89D\x0f\x80'])
'Hello, World!'

split with custom length

>>> from tally_token import split_text, merge_text
>>> split_text("Hello, World!", 5)
[b'N&\xce\\\xbc6dxp\x87\xa8#z', b'\xa3D\\A\xf8\xd1KDX\x1cKx\x87', b'\xffZ\x03\xf5\x92Q\xf52\xc4\x1e\xf2\xf8\x06', b'\xaa\xdd:\x85F\xa1\xcdbp\xf3\xe6P\xe5', b'\xf0\x80\xc7\x01\xff;7;\xf3\x04\x9b\x97?']
>>> merge_text([b'N&\xce\\\xbc6dxp\x87\xa8#z', b'\xa3D\\A\xf8\xd1KDX\x1cKx\x87', b'\xffZ\x03\xf5\x92Q\xf52\xc4\x1e\xf2\xf8\x06', b'\xaa\xdd:\x85F\xa1\xcdbp\xf3\xe6P\xe5', b'\xf0\x80\xc7\x01\xff;7;\xf3\x04\x9b\x97?'])
'Hello, World!'

split with custom encoding

>>> from tally_token import split_text, merge_text
>>> split_text("こんにちは", encoding="CP932")
[b'g\xc3\x12\xeal?\xe5[\x03\xad', b'\xe5r\x90\x1b\xee\xf6g\xe4\x81`']
>>> merge_text([b'g\xc3\x12\xeal?\xe5[\x03\xad', b'\xe5r\x90\x1b\xee\xf6g\xe4\x81`'], encoding="CP932")

bytes interface

You can use split_bytes_into and merge_bytes_into to split and merge bytes. This is useful for split binary data.

>>> from tally_token import split_bytes_into, merge_bytes_into
>>> split_bytes_into(b"Hello, World!", 5)
[b'\xc5b\xf4E)\xe1vO8\xff@\xf9\xdd', b'\x84\xb9X#\x85\xf5\xed\xbcM\xc4\xef\xf4\xd3', b'\xb47\xf6\xfa?\x14\xa8`\xc9\xe0\xe5\x87\x14', b'\x1cd\xb4o\xe8I:\xe5\xf6\x13\xe5\x93G', b'\xa1\xed\x82\x9f\x14e)!%\xba\xc3}|']
>>> merge_bytes_into([b'\xc5b\xf4E)\xe1vO8\xff@\xf9\xdd', b'\x84\xb9X#\x85\xf5\xed\xbcM\xc4\xef\xf4\xd3', b'\xb47\xf6\xfa?\x14\xa8`\xc9\xe0\xe5\x87\x14', b'\x1cd\xb4o\xe8I:\xe5\xf6\x13\xe5\x93G', b'\xa1\xed\x82\x9f\x14e)!%\xba\xc3}|'])
b'Hello, World!'



BSD 3-Clause License