
Unoffical Tamin SDK

pip install taminsdk==0.4.0


Python library for Tamin.ir API


This is a Python library for the tamin.ir API. Using this, you can interact with tamin.ir from your Python applications. It supports Python 2.7 and Python 3 (3.6+). For more about information about the tamin.ir API, visit https://tamin.ir.


Install it using pip install taminsdk. It may be a good idea to use virtualenv as part of your workflow.


The current version series of the library is 0.1.x which corresponds to the 0.1 version of the API. The revision number x corresponds to the revision of the SDK. The 0.1 series of the library will continue to support (in a backward compatible way) the 0.1 version of the Tamin.ir API.


The first step to using any SDK function is to create a Session object:

>>> from taminsdk.session import Session
>>> session = Session(oauth_token=token)

You must have a valid OAuth2 token before you can use the SDK or the API. See the Tamin.ir Developer portal for more information on how you can do so.

Once we have a session object, we can start using the SDK functions.


All the examples below recognizes two environment variables:

  • OAUTH_TOKEN: The OAuth2 token to create the session with and must be specified
  • URL: If you want to use the library to make requests against the tamin.ir Sandbox, you can specify URL=https://ep-test.tamin.ir/api/. If not specified, it defaults to http://soa.tamin.ir/interface/epresc.



GNU LGPLv3. Please see LICENSE.