
Singer.io tap for extracting data from the Hub Planner REST API

pip install tap-hubplanner==0.1.2



This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.

This tap:


This tap requires a config.json which specifies details regarding authentication and other options. api_key are required

Config properties:

Property Required Example Description
api_key Y "ac0ad1..." A Hub Planner API key with Read Scope.
start_date N "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z" The start date to use for date created or updated replication, when available.
user_agent N "Vandelay Industries ETL Runner (+contact@example.org)" The user agent to send on every request.


  1. Install
pip install tap-hubplanner
  1. Create the config file

Create a JSON file called config.json. Its contents should look like:

    "api_key": "<Hub Planner API Key>",
    "start_date": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "user_agent": "Acme (+acme@example.com)"

The api_key is the API key for your Hub Planner account with Read Scope.

The start_date specifies the date at which the tap will begin pulling data.

The user_agent parameter provide a User-Agent strings denoting your application.

  1. Run the Tap in Discovery Mode

    tap-hubplanner --config config.json --discover > catalog.json

    See the Singer docs on discovery mode here.

  2. Run the Tap in Sync Mode

    tap-hubplanner --config config.json --catalog catalog.json

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