A collection of tools for analysing cmdspanpy output, written in Python

pip install tarpan==0.3.11


A Python library for analysing cmdstanpy output

This is a collection of functions for analysing output of cmdstanpy library. The main idea is to do a quick data analysis by calling a single function that makes:

  • traceplots of samples,

  • text and plots of the summaries of model parameters,

  • histograms and pair plots of posterior distributions of parameters.

Picture of Tarpan

The only known illustration of a tarpan made from life, depicting a five month old colt (Borisov, 1841). Source: Wikimedia Commons.


First, run:

pip install tarpan

Finally, install cmdstan by running:


Complete analysis: save_analysis

This is the main function of the library that saves summaries and trace/pair/tree plots in model_info directory. The function is useful when you want to generate all types of summaries and plots at once.

from tarpan.cmdstanpy.analyse import save_analysis

model = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model.stan")
fit = model.sample(data=your_data)
save_analysis(fit, param_names=['mu', 'sigma'])

If you don't need everything, you can call individual functions described below to make just one type of plot or a summary.

Summary: save_summary

Creates a summary of parameter distributions and saves it in text and CSV files.

from tarpan.cmdstanpy.summary import save_summary

model = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model.stan")
fit = model.sample(data=your_data)
save_summary(fit, param_names=['mu', 'tau', 'eta.1'])

The text summary format is such that the text can be pasted into Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket's Markdown file, like this:

Name Mean Std Mode + - 68CI- 68CI+ 95CI- 95CI+ N_Eff R_hat
mu 8.05 5.12 7.53 4.63 4.59 2.93 12.16 -1.84 18.74 1540 1.00
tau 6.41 5.72 2.36 5.41 2.35 0.00 7.76 0.00 17.07 1175 1.00
eta.1 0.39 0.92 0.60 0.71 1.13 -0.53 1.31 -1.48 2.19 3505 1.00

Summary columns

  • Name, Mean, Std are the name of the parameter, its mean and standard deviation.

  • 68CI-, 68CI+, 95CI-, 95CI+ are the 68% and 95% HPDIs (highest probability density intervals). These values are configurable.

  • Mode, +, - is a mode of distribution with upper and lower uncertainties, which are calculated as distances to 68% HPDI.

  • N_Eff is Stan's number of effective samples, the higher the better.

  • R_hat is a Stan's parameter representing the quality of the sampling. This value needs to be smaller than 1.00. After generating a model I usually immediately look at this R_hat column to see if the sampling was good.

Tree plot: save_tree_plot

This function shows exactly the same information as save_summary, but in the form a plot. The markers are the modes of the distributions, and the two error bars indicate 68% and 95% HPDIs (highest posterior density intervals).

from tarpan.cmdstanpy.tree_plot import save_tree_plot

model = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model.stan")
fit = model.sample(data=your_data)
save_tree_plot([fit], param_names=['mu', 'sigma'])

Tree plot

Comparing multiple models on a tree plot

Supply multiple fits in order to compare parameters from multiple models.

from tarpan.cmdstanpy.tree_plot import save_tree_plot
from tarpan.shared.tree_plot import TreePlotParams

# Sample from two models
model1 = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model1.stan")
fit1 = model1.sample(data=your_data)
model2 = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model2.stan")
fit2 = model2.sample(data=your_data)

# Supply legend labels (optional)
tree_params = TreePlotParams()
tree_params.labels = ["Model 1", "Model 2", "Exact"]
data = [{ "mu": 2.2, "tau": 1.3 }]  # Add extra markers (optional)

save_tree_plot([fit1, fit2], extra_values=data, param_names=['mu', 'tau'],

Tree plot with multiple models

Trace plot: save_traceplot

The plot shows the values of parameters samples. Different colors correspond to samples form different chains. Ideally, the lines of different colors on the left plots are well mixed, and the right plot is fairly uniform. It is usually enough just to look at the trace plot of the log-probabilty samples lp__.

from tarpan.cmdstanpy.traceplot import save_traceplot

model = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model.stan")
fit = model.sample(data=your_data)
save_traceplot(fit, param_names=['mu', 'tau', 'eta.1'])


Pair plot: save_pair_plot

The plot helps to see correlations between parameters and spot funnel shaped distributions that can result in sampling problems.

from tarpan.cmdstanpy.pair_plot import save_pair_plot
model = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model.stan")
fit = model.sample(data=your_data)
save_pair_plot(fit, param_names=['mu', 'tau', 'eta.1'])

Pair plot

Histogram: save_histogram

Show histograms of parameter distributions.

from tarpan.cmdstanpy.histogram import save_histogram
model = CmdStanModel(stan_file="your_model.stan")
fit = model.sample(data=your_data)
save_histogram(fit, param_names=['mu', 'tau', 'eta.1', 'theta.1'])


Common questions

Run unit tests


The unlicense

This work is in public domain.


This work is dedicated to Tarpan, an extinct subspecies of wild horse.