
pip install tas==0.0.6


Simple python rnd project manager: tas

Tas lets you easily create new projects from template, automatically install requirements, run env and commit (coming soon!) with one command.

tas does...

  • create projects from template
  • download additional files to project if needed
  • manage requirements and env
  • run jupyter

tas does not but should...

  • interactive template creation
  • git integration
  • support windows
  • support conda
  • support zeppeline

Installation osx/linux

  1. get python package
$ pip install tas
  1. Add tas to your env variables
    • Zsh note: Modify your ~/.zshrc file instead of ~/.bash_profile.
    • Ubuntu and Fedora note: Modify your ~/.bashrc file instead of ~/.bash_profile.
echo 'alias tas="python -m tas"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  1. Restart your shell so the path changes take effect.
    $ exec "$SHELL"

Key concepts of tas:

  1. Namespace is a directory with projects (default one is ~/Documents/tas_projects)
  2. Template is a number of steps to perform when starting new project (folders, env, requirements, submodules that used in your team)
  3. path = PosixPath standard
  4. Name - uninque (in one namespace) string


  1. Create new project
tas new mega_project
  1. run existing project
tas run mega_project
  1. list objects (a-all, p-projects, n-namespace, t-templates)
tas list a
  1. del objects (n-namespace, p-projects)
tas del mega_project -t p
  1. set settings value (-ns namespace) For now only for namespaces, lets change default path
tas set default /home/user/Documents/company_name

New namespace:

tas set company_name /home/user/Documents/company_name
  1. Run project in not default ns:
tas run mega_project -ns company_name

Default template:

here should be a motivation behind the default template


  • pyenv creator for the idea of simplicity


The MIT License