
big-data, tool-development, programming, computation, logging, python, timing
pip install tasklogger==1.2.0



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An extension to the core python logging library for logging the beginning and completion of tasks and subtasks.


tasklogger is available on pip. Install by running the following in a terminal:

pip install --user tasklogger

Alternatively, tasklogger can be installed using Conda (most easily obtained via the Miniconda Python distribution):

conda install -c conda-forge tasklogger

Usage examples

Receive timed updates mid-computation using tasklogger.log_start and tasklogger.log_complete:

>>> import tasklogger
>>> import time
>>> tasklogger.log_start("Supertask")
Calculating Supertask...
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> tasklogger.log_start("Subtask")
  Calculating Subtask...
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> tasklogger.log_complete("Subtask")
  Calculated Subtask in 1.01 seconds.
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> tasklogger.log_complete("Supertask")
Calculated Supertask in 3.02 seconds.

Simplify logging syntax with tasklogger.log_task:

>>> import tasklogger
>>> import time
>>> with tasklogger.log_task("Supertask"):
...     time.sleep(1)
...     with tasklogger.log_task("Subtask"):
...        time.sleep(1)
...     time.sleep(1)
Calculating Supertask...
  Calculating Subtask...
  Calculated Subtask in 1.01 seconds.
Calculated Supertask in 3.02 seconds.

Log wall time, CPU time, or any other counter function with the class API:

>>> import tasklogger
>>> import time
>>> logger = tasklogger.TaskLogger(name='cpu_logger', timer='cpu', min_runtime=0)
>>> with logger.log_task("Supertask"):
...     time.sleep(1)
...     with logger.log_task("Subtask"):
...        _ = [[(i,j) for j in range(i)] for i in range(1000)]
...     time.sleep(1)
Calculating Supertask...
  Calculating Subtask...
  Calculated Subtask in 0.09 seconds.
Calculated Supertask in 0.09 seconds.
>>> logger = tasklogger.TaskLogger(name='nano_logger', timer=time.monotonic_ns)
>>> with logger.log_task("Supertask"):
...     time.sleep(1)
...     with logger.log_task("Subtask"):
...        time.sleep(1)
...     time.sleep(1)
Calculating Supertask...
  Calculating Subtask...
  Calculated Subtask in 1001083511.00 seconds.
Calculated Supertask in 3003702161.00 seconds.

Use tasklogger for all your logging needs:

>>> tasklogger.log_info("Log some stuff that doesn't need timing")
Log some stuff that doesn't need timing
>>> tasklogger.log_debug("Log some stuff that normally isn't needed")
>>> tasklogger.set_level(2)
Set TaskLogger logging to DEBUG
>>> tasklogger.log_debug("Log some stuff that normally isn't needed")
Log some stuff that normally isn't needed