
Taz Framework

pip install taz==0.1.0


Taz Framework


  • Taz is a Full Stack Modular Web Framework, it is based in Flask and its ecosystem and relies on the best set of Flask Extensions and good practices.
  • Taz can be used to any kind of project as it sets a COC (Convention Over Configuration) and has a well tested module development pattern.
  • Taz itself is only a set of conventions and patterns and also a command-line tool called taz-admin which provides automation to create and manage Taz projects.


  • You can use Taz to create new projects (e.g cms, blog, website, e-commerce, admin-panel, etc) and reuse one of existing Taz modules.
  • You can easily follow the patterns and create your own Taz module
  • You can integrate Taz and its modules in your existing Python Flask Application


  • Because Flask is cool :)
  • Other Python frameworks seems to be heavier, over-coupled, outdated and they are not based on Flask :)
  • Flask is a micro-framework and there is a lack of pattern to follow (or you have to choose between many options)
  • There are developers who likes Full Stack Frameworks
  • We to have a project called Taz (named after The Tazmanian Devil)
  • We wanted to use the Flask experience I got developing Quokka Framework to create a generalistic all-purpose solution
  • We wanted to leverage our GitHub participation rank!
  • We love OpenSource and Python and Flask and web Frameworks!


Simply run: (preferably in a virtual environment)

$ pip install taz


To use it:

$ taz-admin --help

To start a project

$ taz-admin startproject projectname

Taz will create the default basic project structure as following:

├── manage.py
└── projectname/
    ├── __init__.py
    |── dev_config/
    |   ├── taz.yaml
    |   └── media_files/
    |── prod_config/
    |   ├── taz.yaml
    |   └── media_files/
    └── test_config/
        ├── taz.yaml
        └── media_files/


manage.py is the entry point to project management commands such as 'shell', 'run', 'test' and also your custom commands. (this file has the same functionality of taz-admin, but using taz-admin directly demands you to inform the location of the project path.)

Taz uses multi instance configuration and by default it creates 3 sets of instances dev, prod and test and you can define which instance are being used by setting a TAZ_INSTANCE environment variable or passing --instance parameter to taz-admin or manage.py script