
Send telegram notifications

notifications, python, telegram
pip install telepy-notify==0.0.1


What is this?

Super fast (<5min setup) telegram notifications for task-completion, task progress, errors and more. This is a minimal module (one file, no pip dependencies).

How do I use this?

  1. pip install telepy_notify

  2. Take 30sec to get a token:

  1. DM your bot to initialize it (important!)

  2. Use it

from telepy_notify import Notifier

# setup
notify = Notifier(
    # read from file
    # # OR read from ENV var, ex:
    # token_env_var="TELEGRAM_TOKEN",
    # # OR give the token directly, ex:
    # token="alkdsfjakjfoirj029294ijfoi24j4-2",
    # optional: a prefix for all messages (good if multiple machines)
    message_prefix="Lambda Machine: Experiment 19:",
    # optional: set to true when debugging to avoid a million notifications
#    other people can run your code without setting up a bot
#    because telepy will NEVER throw errors 
#    if a notification fails, or if a token is bad
#    it will intentionally only print warnings instead of
#    crashing whatever long-running process you have

# Basic notification
notify.send("Howdy! <b>I'm bold</b>")
notify.send("Howdy! <b>I'm bold</b>\n<code>thing = [1,3,4]</code>")

# get duration and/or error information
with notify.when_done:
    blah_blah_blah = 10
    for blah in range(blah_blah_blah):
        from time import sleep
    raise Exception(f'''Hello Telegram :)''')
# """
# process took: 1sec, ended at: Sun Aug 20 11:23:38 2023 however it ended with an error: Exception('Hello Telegram :)')
# """

# Progress notifications
#    - gives ETA and other time-info
#    - can limit notify-rate (by time passed or percent-progress)
#        e.g. percent_per_notify=50 => message me after 50% progress
#        e.g. minutes_per_notify=30 => message once every 30min
#    - notify_iter_delay is used to wait a few iterations before sending an ETA
#      (makes the ETA of the first notification more accurate)
for progress, epoch in notify.progress(range(100), percent_per_notify=50, minutes_per_notify=30, notify_iter_delay=1):
    index = progress.index
    # do stuff
    import random
    accuracy = random.random()
    if accuracy > 0.99:
        notify.send("Gottem πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰")
    # end do stuff
    progress.message = f"recent accuracy: <code>{accuracy}</code>"

# that^ outputs:
# message1:
#     [=================>.................] 50.00% 
#     |  50/100 
#     | remaining: 0sec 
#     | eta: 11:52:48 
#     | elapsed: 0sec 
#     | recent accuracy: 0.5086382690344122
# message2:
#     Done in 1sec at 11:52:49