
logging workload from console

pip install tempo-log==0.1.0


Simple tool to log work on Tempo


Create .tlog file in your HOMEDIR and provide following values there

API_KEY = <your api key for tempo>
USER_ID = <your jira user id>

Now you can use use tool as

> tlog <issue number> <time> <message>

for example:

> tlog abc-123 1:40 My message

This will add the work on issue ABC-123 for 1 hour and 40 minutes with description "My message"

Additional Options

One can also set up additional parameter start_time in the configuration file (.tlog).

Following values are valid:

start_date = 0 - Start date will be set to the time work was logged start_date = 1 - Start date will be set to the time work was logged minut the logged time (Logging at the end of the work) start_date = 2 - Start date will be set to the begining of the day