
Support tool for Tesouro Direto investors

pip install tesouro-investor==0.1.0a3


Tesouro Investor

This project starts as simple buy alerts but intents to evolve as a general support tool for Tesouro Direto investors.

Package 1 - Alerts: Create alerts to help you to monitor Tesouro Direto yield rates and to invest your money at the right time!

Package 2 - Market Expectations (working): What to yield curves can tell us about market expectations regarding SELIC rates?

Package 3 - Manage your Portfolio (working): How much money are you making? What are the best bonds for you to sell?


To install the tool the easiest way is to use pip:

pip install tesouro-direto (not yet)


config.yml sample with e-mail credentials:

# SMTP settings for email sending. If port is not specified, the default
# value is 25. Provide the username and password if necessary.
    server: "mail.mydomain.com"
    port: 587
    username: "user"
    password: "secret"

    from: "me@mydomain.com"
    to: "you@yourdomain.com"

Set up your alerts in a alerts.json file in the following format:

        "bound_name":"NTNB Princ",
        "expiration":"2035", ##not used yet
        "expiration":"2018", ##not used yet
  • Create DB


Use cli interface to trigger aler command passing as arguments the config.yml and alerts.json

tinvest alert config.yml alerts.json

Configuring Crontab (Linux)

You can configure crontab to call the program above. This way you can have a automated email at the time and periodicity that you like.

Add to crontab with bash script * Run cron.sh to include default cron

Add manually using: * Set up crontab: crontab -e * Show crontab: crontab -l