
A simple test framework

pip install TestIt==0.1.0



The Simple Testing Framework

How to use

Create a tests folder in your project root.


  • Each Python file in tests
  • Each function that start with test_ and has the @test decorator
  • Each individul test in the function

A basic test

Project code in main.py

def fib(n):
	a, b = 0, 1
	if n <= 2:
		return n
	for _ in range(2, n+1):
		a, b = b, a+b
	return b

In tests/foo.py

from testit import test, Test

@test('test that the output of fibonacci sequence is accurate')
def test_accurate(t: 'Test'):
	t.expect(fib, 1).equal(1).message('fib of 1 should be 1')
	t.expect(fib, 5).equal(5).message('fib of 5 should be 5')
	t.expect(fib, 10).equal(55).message('fib of 10 should be 55')

@test('test that the wrong numbers dont work')
def test_wrong(t: 'Test'):
	t.expect(fib, 2).not_equal(3).message('fib of 2 should not be 2')
	t.expect(fib, 10).not_equal(55).message('fib of 10 should not be 55')

Output after running python -m testit

 PASS  test_accurate - test that the output of fibonacci sequence is accurate
✓ fib of 1 should be 1
✓ fib of 5 should be 5
✓ fib of 10 should be 55

 FAIL  test_wrong - test that the wrong numbers dont work
✓ fib of 2 should not be 2
✗ fib of 10 should not be 55
   - Expected:		fib(10) != 55
   + Recieved value:	55