
A dockerized build tool for paper compilation

reproducibility, docker, LaTeX, package-manager
pip install texbld==0.3.0



Although we expect LaTeX compilation to be a declarative process (source to PDF), the compilations for large projects eventually require a large number of custom external programs and dependencies. For example, a compilation step might require running a script written in haskell, piping that output into pandoc, then putting everything into a LaTeX file for compilation with pdflatex. Good luck installing all of those programs (ESPECIALLY the pesky ghc dependencies) in a production system!

Furthermore, different LaTeX distributions will have ever so slightly different outputs (especially when working with biblatex), which is an issue for reproducibility.

The first take on these problems was mktex. Although it solves some dependency issues, it suffers from the various fragility and reproducibility issues that come with using pre-built docker images. Furthermore, because of its design, these images were forced to be monolithic, bloated, and ultimately inflexible. Each build should have exactly the dependencies that it requires and nothing more!

texbld aims to solve these problems by providing an environment where build images are fully reproducible and shareable. It uses docker for absolute system reproducibility and for usage across all platforms which it supports (MacOS, its native Linux, and Windows (untested)).

Image hashes are used to ensure that any docker image is completely immutable, preventing dependency modification issues.

Users can specify their build image in a simple TOML file (along with associated files) and upload them to github, from which it can be inherited and used by other people in their own projects.

Images can be inherited from packages in the local filesystem, GitHub, or Docker.


The project is live on pypi.

Various installation methods are described here.


Check the nix expressions in the release branch and configure accordingly.

In order to build the master branch, run nix-build or nix build (to use flakes).

Setting Up This Project


Running nix develop should set up everything. Note, however, that the resulting poetry virtual environment will be installed in ~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs, so it's not completely nix-based.


This project uses poetry as its dependency manager. Simply run poetry install and poetry shell inside the project directory, and you should land in a virtual environment with all of your dependencies.


In order to run tests in the virtual environment, run pytest.

The Local Environment

The project configuration file should be in (project root)/texbld.toml, while local image configurations should be in $HOME/.config/texbld/packages.