
A package for drawing art-text with similar functionality to pygame

pip install textart==1.0.0b0



A small module to help render simple text art in a similar fasion as pygame

Two main features: The Art class, represents a grid of characters


pip intall textart



Creates a copy of the art
area is None, [x, y], [x, y, size] or [x, y, width, height], None means all

art.rect(character, rect, border=0)

Draws a rectangle of that character on to the art
rect is a list [x, y, width, height]

art.square(character, pos, size, border=0)

shorthand for art.rect(character, [pos[0], pos[1], size, size], border=0)
post is a list [x, y]

art.circle(character, pos, radius, border=0)

Draws a circle of that character on to the art
pos is a list [x, y]

art.line(character, start, end, border=0)

Draws a line from the start to the end with a width of border
start and end are lists [x, y]

art.lines(character, points, border=0)

Shorthand for art.line(character, p1, p2, border=0) art.line(character, p2, p3, border=0) etc.
where points = [p1, p2, p3, ...] and p1, p2, p3, ... are lists [x, y]

art.triangle(character, p1, p2, p3, border=0)

Draws a triangle on to the start
p1, p2, p3 are lists [x, y]

art.quad(character, p1, p2, p3, p4, border=0)

Draws a quadrilateral on to the art
p1, p2, p3, p4 are lists [x, y]

art.polygon(character, points, border=0)

Draws a polygon defined by the list of points
points = [p1, p2, p3, ...] and p1, p2, p3 are list [x, y]

art.gradient(char_gradient, start, end, area=None)

Renders a gradient defined by char_gradient in the area
the gradient line is defined by start and end
char_gradient is a string
start, end are lists [x, y]
area is None, [x, y], [x, y, size] pr [x, y, width, height], None means all

art.blit(source, dest=[0,0], area=None, alpha=" ")

Renders the source art on to this art
dest is a list [x, y] defining where it renders the source art
area is None, [x, y], [x, y, size] or [x, y, width, height] and definds the area of the source to render, None means all

art.filter(func, area=None, bychar=False)

Filters the art,
func is a function with paramters func(art, line) or func(art, char) depending on if bychar is False or True, respectively
func has to return what the line/char will be replaced with
area is None, [x, y], [x, y, size] or [x, y, width, height], None means all
bychar=False is a lot more efficient.

art.replace(old, new, area=None, inplace=False, bychar=False, cut=False)

Replaces all instances of 'old' with 'new'
old and new are strings, must be the same length (or bychar=True and len(new)=1)
area is None, [x, y], [x, y, size] or [x, y, width, height], None means all
inplace determines if the replace will return a new copy of the art with the replacements or replace them in the art, defaults to False, return a new copy
bychar determines if the replacements will be done per character,
if bychar=False:

replaces all instances of 'old' with 'new' within the area

if bychar=True:

does it on a per-char basis, e.g. art.replace('xyz', '123', bychar=True) is shorthand for
art.replace('x', '1') art.replace('y', '2') art.replace('z', '3')
if new is a single character, it replaces all of old with new, e.g. art.replace('xyz', '1', bychar=True) is shorthand for
art.replace('x', '1') art.replace('y', '1') art.replace('z', '1')

cut determines if the replacement will cut out the area and return it or return the whole thing, if true overrides inplace defaults to False, return the whole art

art.swap(s1, s2, area=None, inplace=False, bychar=False, cut=False)

Sets all occurances of s1 to s2 and all occurances of s2 to s1
s1 and s2 are strings, must be the same length
area is None, [x, y], [x, y, size] or [x, y, width, height], None means all
inplace determines if the replace will return a new copy of the art with the replacements or replace them in the art, defaults to False, return a new copy
bychar determines if the swaps will be done per character,
if bychar=False:

swaps all instances of 'old' with 'new' within the area

if bychar=True:

does it on a per-char basis, e.g. art.swap('xyz', '123', bychar=True) is shorthand for
art.swap('x', '1') art.swap('y', '2') art.swap('z', '3')

cut determines if the replacement will cut out the area and return it or return the whole thing, if true overrides inplace defaults to False, return the whole art


Calls a batch of functions,
batch is a dictionary with the format:
{ "function-name": [args], ... }


returns the lines of the art (a list of strings)


prints the art in the console


returns the art formatted for discord chat (a single string)


A very simple scripting language to create and manipulate art objects

art_script(width, height, lines)

Runs some artscript code width, height is the width and height of the main art object
lines is a list of strings, each string being a line of code

see the source at https://github.com/billy-yoyo/textart/ for details on how to use artscript