
A textual simple game engine powered by Python and Pygame.

game-development, game-engine, pygame, python, rpg-game-engine, text-adventure-engine, text-games
pip install textipy==1.0.0


Textipy : An Adventure Text Game Engine

An easy way to create rpg text games using Python.

Getting Started

  1. Install Python 3.9 or newer. https://www.python.org/downloads/

  2. Open cmd/terminal and type:

     pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ textipy

If you want to install the newest version from git use this command:

    mkdir mygame
    cd mygame
    pip install git+https://github.com/younessidbakkasse/textipy

If you want to easily edit the source, it's recommended to clone the git repo and install as develop like this. Make sure you have git installed. https://git-scm.com/

    git clone https://github.com/younessidbakkasse/textipy

Also install pygame module using this command:

    pip install pygame

On some systems you might have to use pip3 instead of pip in order to use Python 3 and not the old Python 2.


  • pygame 1.9+


from textipy import *            # this will import everything we need from the engine manager with just one line.

game.run()                       # opens a window and starts the game.

How do I make a game?

This game engine is writing in 100% Python code. You can use any text editor you want, but personally I like to use Vscode.

  1. Create an empty .py file called 'my_game.py' avoid names like game.py, manager.py, scene.py
  2. Copy this text into your new file:
from textipy import *          

# always chose 'Pregame' as a name of the first scene
game.scenes['Pregame'] = StoryScene(
        name = 'Pregame',  #the name is required so that you can link scenes with each others.
        buttons = [['Start the game', 'second scene', 'normal']],  #the first element is the text on the button
        text = "The front door has been left slightly ajar. Partialy broken, it may have been opened by force." # the scene text

game.run()                       # opens a window and starts the game.
  1. Type this in the terminal to start the game:

    python my_game.py

    If you use Vscode, I recommend installing the python extension to tun on your scripts with the press of a button.

  2. you can now control the game there a gui button such as inventory or profile, you can exit the game using the menu selection exit game.

  3. to link two scenes you need to create a sceond scene exemple below, and add it's name to the button destination list parameter, so when you click the button you directly convert the second scene.

from textipy import *            # this will import everything we need from the engine manager with just one line.

game.scenes['Pregame'] = StoryScene(
        name = 'Pregame',  #the name is required so that you can link scenes with each others.
        buttons = [['Start the game', 'Second Scene', 'normal']],  #the first element is the text on the button
        text = "The front door has been left slightly ajar. Partialy broken, it may have been opened by force." # the scene text

game.scenes['Second Scene'] = StoryScene(
        name = 'Second Scene',  #the name is required so that you can link scenes with each others.
        buttons = [
                ['Fight the dragon', 'third scene', 'fight-wild dog'], #first button
                ['Run away', 'third scene', 'normal'] # second button
        # here third scene is not yet created
        text = "You just met a wild dog do you want to fight him or run away" # the scene text

game.run()                       # opens a window and starts the game.


Any pull requests are welcomed! We will have the code checked carefully. Please contact me at : std.youness@gmail.com if you have any thoughts on how to make this a better project.