
tfswinlib provides a comfort layer for working with Microsofts TeamFoundationServer using the TFS API.

pip install tfswinlib==1.2.3



tfswinlib provides a comfort layer for working with Microsofts TeamFoundationServer using the TFS API.

It has been tested with CPython 2.7.13 and 3.6.1 and IronPython 2.7.5


I tried to keep the interface compatible with (python-tfs, in version 0.1.2) which works via SOAP. That boils down to the class name (TfsClient), its __init__ parameters and the get_work_item method.


If you are running CPython, you will need the additional module pythonnet (tested with 2.1.0). IronPython does not need this module.

And of course you need the TFS assemblies from e.g. VisualStudio to talk to the TFS server.

Sample Code

import tfswinlib
tfs = tfswinlib.TfsClient("http://<your_server_here>:<port>/tfs/<your collection>")
# retrieve a work item by its id
wi = tfs.get_work_item(323356)
# retrieve a work item by its id and revision
wi = tfs.get_work_item(323356, 4)
# and there is a method to simply print each available field of a work item:
tfs.print_work_item (323356)

# if you need to find work items, you can execute a WIQL query:
workItems = tfs.get_list_of_work_items(query)

# when you need to work with the history of states of a work items:
stateHistory = tfs.get_work_item_state_history(323356)
# or rather how long the work item was in each state:
stateDuration = tfs.get_work_item_state_duration(323356)

# there are a couple of helper functions available as well
listOfProjects = tfs.get_list_of_projects()
# from this list you can find the name of your project
storedQueries = tfs.get_list_of_stored_queries_for_project(projectName)

# some queries contain macros, e.g. @me or @project; they are expanded on the server
# and need to be handed over to the get_list_of_work_items function:
params = tfs.prepare_parameter_dictionary_for_query()
workItems = tfs.get_list_of_work_items(query, params)

# it can also be useful to find out which users belong to a certain group:
userNames = tfs.get_list_of_usernames_from_group("[My Team Project]\\Contributors")


This software has been written by Axel Seibert.