
Ticketus is a simple, no-frills ticketing system for helpdesks.

django, python, python-3, ticketing-system
pip install ticketus==0.6.0



Ticketus is a simple, no-frills ticketing system for helpdesks. For more information about its features and for a demo, see ticketus.org.

Latest Version Supported Python versions Development Status License


  • Python 3.3+
  • PostgreSQL 9.3+ and psycopg2
  • WSGI server (e.g. gunicorn)
  • Web server (e.g. nginx or Apache2)


  1. Install your distro's packages for Python 3, virtualenv, and psycopg2. For example, on Fedora:

    # yum install python3 python-virtualenv python3-psycopg2
  2. Activate a virtualenv (ensure it uses Python 3 as 2.x is not supported):

    $ virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages ticketus
    $ cd ticketus && source bin/activate
  3. Install the latest release from PyPi:

    $ pip install ticketus
  4. Create a new Python package inside the virtualenv called ticketus_settings and copy the configuration to it:

    $ mkdir ticketus_settings
    $ touch ticketus_settings/__init__.py
    $ cp lib/python*/site-packages/ticketus/local_settings.py.example ticketus_settings/local_settings.py
  5. Edit the settings and specify at least the database and BASE_DIR (which should be set to the full path to the virtualenv).

  6. Create and populate the database:

    $ createdb ticketus
    $ PYTHONPATH=. ticketus-admin init

    Note when running ticketus-admin, you must set PYTHONPATH to the parent directory of where ticketus_settings is located.

  7. Optionally import some data (see import_scripts/README.md for more information).

  8. Point your WSGI server to ticketus.wsgi, e.g.:

    $ pip install gunicorn
    $ gunicorn ticketus.wsgi
  9. You must point your web server to serve files from static, as gunicorn will not.

  10. If you just wish to bring up the development server quickly for testing, run:

    $ PYTHONPATH=. ticketus-admin runserver

LDAP authentication

LDAP authentication is available by using the django_auth_ldap3 library. Follow the installation instructions to set up.

Email gateway

Ticketus provides an email gateway for retrieving emails and importing them as tickets and comments. Currently there exists a backend for IMAP4 and it can be run as a cronjob.