
a utility library for generating chunks of time within a datetime range

datetime, interval, chunks
pip install timecoach==0.1.1



a utility library for generating chunks of time within a datetime range


pip install timecoach

Quick Start

here's how to iterate through chunks of iso hours using timecoach.chunk_hours:

import timecoach
import datetime

start = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 11, 12, 30, 0) # 12:30pm on January 11th 2020
end = datetime.timedelta(hours=2) # two hours later

for chunk_start, chunk_end in timecoach.chunk_hours(start, end)
  diff = chunk_end - chunk_start
  print("i'm a {} minute time chunk!".format(diff.minutes))

# i'm a 30 minute time chunk!
# i'm a 60 minute time chunk!
# i'm a 30 minute time chunk!

and other common chunk sizes:

timecoach.chunk_seconds(start, end) 
timecoach.chunk_minutes(start, end) 
timecoach.chunk_hours(start, end)
timecoach.chunk_days(start, end)
timecoach.chunk_months(start, end)
timecoach.chunk_years(start, end)

to specify a custom chunk size:

timecoach.chunk(start, end, minutes=15) # quarter hours 
timecoach.chunk(start, end, hours=12) # half days 
timecoach.chunk(start, end, months=3) # quarter years

there are a few caveat with custom chunk sizes:

  • the chunk interval must be divisible by its parent interval
  • the chunk interval must be defined with a single interval type
  • the chunk interval value must be a non-zero positive integer

for example the following would throw exceptions:

timecoach.chunk(start, end, minutes=13)
# AssertionError:  13 minutes is not divisible by parent interval 1 hours (60 minutes)

timecoach.chunk(start, end, hours=1, minutes=15)
# AssertionError: 1 hours 15 minutes does not contain only one interval type

timecoach.chunk(start, end, hour=.25)
# AssertionError: .25 hours is not non-zero positive integer interval value

timecoach.chunk(start, end, hour=-1)
# AssertionError: .25 hours is not non-zero positive integer interval value

if your chunk interval type is year then sky's the limit since its the highest interval:

timecoach.chunk(start_of_time, now, years=1000000) # every million years since the start of time
