
Profiling web requests.

pip install timr==0.2.0



This is a utility for timing how long it takes to access an HTTP resource and for generating summary statistics about that.

I was working on a project and needed to optimize how long it took to download a resource. Of course, optimizing anything is difficult without good numbers. This script was a way to track the times and generate some semi-useful data about them.


pip install timr


Generally, before you start optimizing your resource, you'll need a baseline:

timr fetch -u http://mysite-wow.org -m "initial timing" -n10 -otimings.csv

You'll run something like this a lot. Let's optimize it by pulling the options that won't change into a file. We'll call it fetch.cfg.


Now we can refer to that file on the command line using a @ prefix:

timr fetch @fetch.cfg -m "initial timing"

From this point on, after making a change, re-run this with a different message:

timr fetch @fetch.cfg -m "improved caching"

When you want to get an idea of how things are going, run the report task:

timr report --input timings.csv --output summary.csv

For more information about the fields in these files, see the sections about those tasks below.



$ timr fetch --help

usage: timr fetch [-h] [-M METHOD] -u URL [-H HEADER] [-d DATA] [-m MESSAGE]
                  [-S] [-n N] [-o OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -M METHOD, --method METHOD
                        The HTTP method to use. Default is "get".
  -u URL, --url URL     The URL to test.
  -H HEADER, --header HEADER
                        A header tag to include.
  -d DATA, --data DATA  Key-value pairs to encode as POST data. You can
                        specify this more than once. Including this implies
  -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
                        A message for this run.
  -S, --no-sha          Don't use SHA hashing to test the request response.
  -n N, --times N       The number of times to download the request. Default
                        is 4.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The file to output to. Default is STDOUT.

This downloads the resource in --url --times times. Optionally, each time it computes a SHA hash of the result, so you can make sure nothing changes.

The output is CSV and has these fields:

  • time — A timestamp for the run.
  • session_id — A globally unique ID for tracking this run.
  • message — A message describing this run. This is set with the --message argument.
  • sha — The SHA hash of the response.
  • size — The number of characters in the response.
  • elapsed — The number of seconds the response took.


usage: timr report [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        The file containing timings. Default is STDIN.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The file to output to. Default is STDOUT.

This takes the output of the fetch task and creates some statistics.

The output is CSV and has these fields:

  • session_id — The globally unique session ID.
  • message — The message describing the run, set when running fetch.
  • min — The minimum elapsed time for the run.
  • max — The maximum elapsed time for the run.
  • mean — The mean elapsed time for the run.
  • s — The estimated sample standard deviation from the mean for the run.


  • Add the option to run fetch in parallel.


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