
collection of api blocks written in python to help speedup automation

automation, ssh, sftp, openstack, logging, cassandra
pip install tinyblox==0.1.15


TinyBlox - collection of api blocks written in python to help speedup automation


  • cassandrax - Facilitate cassandra interactions to a cassandra cluster
  • remotex - Facilitate SSH and SFTP interactions to a remote host
  • logx - Facilitate writing logs to a specified file on the local host
  • ovsx - Facilitate interaction with instances of Open vSwitch deployed on remote hosts
  • openstackx - Facilitate OpenStack interactions
    • computex
    • identityx
    • imagex
    • networkingx
  • toolx - collection of generic tools
    • random_string - Random string generation with combination of lower and upper case alphabets, digits, special characters and white space
    • random_ip - random IP address object generation with CIDR bit and subnet address generation


Please install the following dependencies: pip install cassandra-driver paramiko==1.17.0 requests pyyaml

or you could copy the Requirements.txt file and run: pip install -r Requirements.txt

To install sentinelpy: pip install tinyblox



  • Starting a session
from tinyblox.openstackx import OSSession
osx = OSSession('Keystone_IP', 'Keystone_User', 'Keystone_Password')
  • Compute - sample usage
# list_servers
>>> osx.Compute.list_servers().json()
{u'servers': []}
  • Networking - sample usage
# list networks and subnets
>>> osx.Networking.list_networks().json()
{u'networks': []}
>>> osx.Networking.list_subnets().json()
{u'subnets': []}
  • Image - sample usage
# list existing images
>>> osx.Image.list_images().json()
{u'images': [{u'status': u'active', u'schema': u'/v2/schemas/image', u'name': u'ubuntu', u'tags': [], u'container_format': u'bare', u'created_at': u'2016-08-22T18:10:40Z', u'disk_format': u'qcow2', u'updated_at': u'2016-11-10T23:42:15Z', u'visibility': u'public', u'id': u'6bc6dab8-e907-4b4e-8a3a-44ce4ec95e63', u'owner': u'9a7a62c2389d42e1a9941f915360f4de', u'protected': False, u'min_ram': 0, u'file': u'/v2/images/6bc6dab8-e907-4b4e-8a3a-44ce4ec95e63/file', u'checksum': u'0f630dc54fe212b28dedf2a662a74198', u'min_disk': 0, u'virtual_size': None, u'self': u'/v2/images/6bc6dab8-e907-4b4e-8a3a-44ce4ec95e63', u'size': 260375040}, {u'status': u'active', u'schema': u'/v2/schemas/image', u'name': u'cirros', u'tags': [], u'container_format': u'bare', u'created_at': u'2016-08-04T00:00:43Z', u'disk_format': u'qcow2', u'updated_at': u'2016-08-04T00:00:43Z', u'visibility': u'public', u'id': u'ffeb4798-5495-43d7-a57c-72355befd1af', u'owner': u'9a7a62c2389d42e1a9941f915360f4de', u'protected': False, u'min_ram': 0, u'file': u'/v2/images/ffeb4798-5495-43d7-a57c-72355befd1af/file', u'checksum': u'ee1eca47dc88f4879d8a229cc70a07c6', u'min_disk': 0, u'virtual_size': None, u'self': u'/v2/images/ffeb4798-5495-43d7-a57c-72355befd1af', u'size': 13287936}], u'first': u'/v2/images', u'schema': u'/v2/schemas/images'}


  • Generate a random string
>>> from tinyblox import toolx
>>> rand_str = toolx.random_string(str_len=20, special_char=True, white_space=False)
>>> rand_str
  • Generate random ip and cidr
>>> random_ip = toolx.random_ip(ip_class='B')
>>> random_ip
>>> random_ip.cidr
>>> str(random_ip.cidr)


  • log to a specific file
>>> from tinyblox import logx
>>> logfile = logx.Log('./test_log_file.log')
>>> logfile
<tinyblox.logx.Log instance at 0x10d7c0fc8>
>>> loghandler = logfile.log_handler()
>>> loghandler
<logging.Logger object at 0x10e819950>
>>> loghandler.info('Writing test log into log file')
  • Checking the log written to file
> cat ./test_log_file.log
2016-12-02 15:04:53,390 - tinyblox.logx - INFO - Writing test log into log file


  • Establish a session to a single cassandra node
>>> from tinyblox import cassandrax
>>> csx = cassandrax.Cassandra(['<cassandra_node_IP>'])
  • Establish a session to a cluster of cassandra nodes
>>> from tinyblox import cassandrax
>>> csx = cassandrax.Cassandra(['cassandra_node1_ip','cassandra_node2_ip','cassandra_node3_ip'])
  • Fetch existing keyspaces
>>> csx.fetch_keyspaces()
[u'system_auth', u'system_distributed', u'system', u'system_traces']
  • Run query without explicitly binding to a specific keyspace
>>> csx.run_query(in_query='select keyspace_name from system.schema_keyspaces')
[{u'keyspace_name': u'system_auth'}, {u'keyspace_name': u'system_distributed'}, {u'keyspace_name': u'system'}, {u'keyspace_name': u'system_traces'}]
  • Run query against a specific keyspace
>>> csx.run_query(in_query='select keyspace_name from schema_keyspaces', keyspace='system')
[{u'keyspace_name': u'system_auth'}, {u'keyspace_name': u'system_distributed'}, {u'keyspace_name': u'system'}, {u'keyspace_name': u'system_traces'}]


  • Connect to remote machine running Open vSwitch and interact
>>> from tinyblox import ovsx
>>> ovs_session = ovsx.Ovs('<machine IP>','<machine username>','<machine password>')
>>> ovs_session.get_controller('br0')
{'retval': 0, 'err': [], 'out': [u'tcp:\n']}
>>> ovs_session.get_protocols('br0')
{'retval': 0, 'err': [], 'out': [u'["OpenFlow10", "OpenFlow11", "OpenFlow12", "OpenFlow13"]\n']}


  • Create a session object to connect to a remote machine
>>> from tinyblox import remotex
>>> rconn = remotex.Connection('<remote_machine_ip>',22, '<remote_machine_username', '<remote_machine_password')
>>> rconn
<tinyblox.remotex.Connection instance at 0x10e8807a0>
  • Execute a command on a remote machine without sudo
>>> rconn.execute(command='pwd')
{'retval': 0, 'err': [], 'out': [u'/root\n']}
  • Execute a command on a remote machine with sudo
>>> rconn.execute(command='uname -r', sudo=True)
{'retval': 0, 'err': [], 'out': [u'4.2.0-42-generic\n']}
  • Upload a file(sftp put) to the remote server
  • Download a file(sftp get) from the remote server