
Just a tiny logger. Nothing more, nothing less.

pip install tinylog==0.1.5



Just a tiny logger. Nothing more, nothing less.


Through PyPI:

$ pip install tinylog

...or from the project root directory:

$ python setup.py install


Example usage:

# Basic usage, with console logging

>> from tinylog import Logger
>> log = Logger(console='stdout', info='~/test.log')
>> log.debug('Foo!')
2015-09-09T23:40:42.817421 [DEBUG] Foo!
2015-09-09T23:40:48.865398 [INFO] Bar!
>> log.critical('Situation critical!')
2015-09-09T23:40:58.369778 [CRITICAL] Situation critical!
>> exit()

$ cat ~/test.log
2015-09-09T23:40:48.865398 [INFO] Bar!
2015-09-09T23:40:58.369778 [CRITICAL] Situation critical!

# With separated debug and error logs, and custom format

>> from tinylog import Logger
>> log = Logger(debug='~/debug.log', error='~/error.log', fmt='{unixtimestamp}:{level}:{message}\n')
>> log.debug('Debug message')
>> log.info('Info message')
>> log.warning('Warning message')
>> log.error('Error message!')
>> log.critical('Critical error!')
>> exit()

$ cat ~/debug.log
1441867497:DEBUG:Debug message
1441867501:INFO:Info message
1441867506:WARNING:Warning message
1441867512:ERROR:Error message!
1441867531:CRITICAL:Critical error!

$ cat ~/error.log
1441867512:ERROR:Error message!
1441867531:CRITICAL:Critical error!

To disable logging, set the environment variable "NO_LOGGING", or use a variable you pick by instanciating Logger with it, like deactivation_var="NO_LOGGING":

$ cat my_program.py
from tinylog import Logger
log = Logger(deactivation_var='FOOBAR', console='stdout')

$ python my_program.py
2015-09-09T23:57:50.008624 [INFO] foo

$ FOOBAR=1 python my_program.py

Release Notes

0.1.4: Remove zip_safe
0.1.2: Fixed relative import for python3
0.1.1: Updated default deactivation_var to NO_LOGGING, but it's configurable.
0.1.0: Released to PyPI with most features
0.0.1: Project created