
General purpose tools for sorting with limited memory.

sorting, tools, memory
pip install tinysort==0.1



Sort large amounts of Python objects that are larger than available memory but smaller than available disk.

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tinysort operates on large streams of data by breaking it up into small chunks, each of which is passed to a multiprocessing job where it is sorted and dumped into an intermediary tempfile. These tempfiles are combined with heapq.merge() and converted into a stream of sorted data. See help(tinysort) for information about limitations, optimizations, and future plans.


Additional documentation can be found with help(tinysort) and help(tinysort._sort), but here are the most most important functions:


Sort a stream of data in situ:

import tinysort
import random

# Generate a bunch of random values
values = list(range(1000000))

# Sort values in parallel with 4 cores and iterate over the results
for item in tinysort.stream2stream(values, jobs=4):


Sort a file into a new file:

import tinysort
import tinysort.io

# We use this class for reading + writing data
# See the section on data serialization for more info
serializer = tinysort.io.Pickle()

# Generate some random values and write to a file
values = list(range(1000000))
with serializer.open('data.pickle', 'w') as f:
    for v in values:

# Sort from 1 file into another in parallel across 4 cores

Other Functions

The various other combinations of working with streams and files also exist:

  • file2stream() - Read a file and sort it.
  • files2stream() - Merge and sort a bunch of files into a single sorted stream.
  • stream2file() - Sort a stream and write it to a file.

Data Serialization

tinysort operates by sorting its inputs in chunks, serializing to disk, and using heapq.merge() to produce a final sorted stream of data. The tinysort.io module contains several data serialization classes that operate like:

import tinysort.io

serializer = tinysort.io.Pickle()

with serializer.open('data.pickle', 'w') as f:
    f.write({'key': 'value'})

with serializer.open('data.pickle') as f:
    for item in f:

By default Pickle() is used for tempfiles as it can handle a large variety of objects.

Other formats include DelimitedText(), and NewlineJSON(). The newline JSON serializer requires the newlinejson library, which is not installed as a requirement.

Terminology and Sorter kwargs

See help(tinysort.io) for a more detailed explanation.

The serializers in tinysort.io are given to the sort functions under one of three names: reader, writer, and serializer. All take the same kind of thing, but serve different purposes. reader is used when reading from an input file, and writer is used when writing to an output file, and serializer for writing to and reading from itnermediary tempfiles.

The sort functions all take a generic **kwargs. For more information see help(tinysort._sort), but these arguments are generally chunksize, jobs, and keyword arguments for Python's sorted() and/or heapq.merge().

heapq Module

Python 2's heapq.merge() doesn't accept a key argument, so this module contains a copy of the heapq module in tinysort._backport_heapq from somewhere between Python 3.5 and 3.6. This code is largely unchanged, except for a few small Python 2 compatibility changes, and retains its original license. There is a unittest that only runs on the CI server that compares a snapshot of the original source code to the current source code and fails if any changes occur, which shouldn't happen too often.


$ git clone https://github.com/geowurster/tinysort.git
$ cd tinysort
$ pip install -e .\[dev\]
$ py.test tests --cov tinysort --cov-report term-missing


