Covariances for LSST DESC

pip install tjpcov==0.4.0


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TJPCov is a general covariance calculator interface to be used within LSST DESC.


Non-developer Installation

To use TJPCov, we recommend installing with pip:

  • python -m pip install . will install tjpcov and the minimal dependencies.
  • python -m pip install .\[doc\] will install tjpcov, the minimal dependencies and the dependencies needed to build the documentation.
  • python -m pip install .\[nmt\] will install tjpcov, the minimal dependencies and the dependencies needed to use NaMaster.
  • python -m pip install .\[mpi4py\] will install, the minimal dependencies and the mpi4py library to use MPI parallelization.
  • python -m pip install .\[full\] will install tjpcov and all dependencies

Note that due to a bug in the NaMaster installation, one needs to make sure numpy is installed before trying to install NaMaster. If you are doing a fresh install, run python -m pip install . first, and then python -m pip install .\[nmt\]

Developer Installation

If you want to contribute to TJPCov, run the following steps to set up your development environment.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create the conda environment with conda env create --file environment.yml
  3. Activate the environment with conda activate tjpcov
  4. Run pip install -e .
  5. Run pytest -vv tests/

Planning & development

Ask @felipeaoli or @mattkwiecien for access to the repository and join the #desc-mcp-cov channel on the LSST DESC slack to contribute.

We have adopted the following style convention (which are enforced in each PR):

For a general idea of TJPCov's scientific scope, see also the terms of reference.


We use black and flake8 configuration files so that code follows a unified coding style and remains PEP8 compliant.

This means before submitting your PR you must run the following in the root directory:

black .
flake8 .

Furthermore, we are following GitHub's recommendation of using Semantic Versioning in our releases.

Dependencies and versioning

TJPCov currently runs on python 3.8, but python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 are supported.

TJPCov also has a few specific software versions hardcoded. Please check the pyproject.toml file to see version requirements.