A python library for neural network transfer learning.

pip install tlearner==0.1.0



We provide a set of transfer learning-based model training and evaluation functions. ImageNet pretrained weights are used.
The series of Efficient Net models are supported. There is always a trade-off between model size and accuracy. Our guideline is as follows:
For tfjs apps, use EfficientNetB0 or EfficientNetB1; For tf-lite apps, use EfficientNetB2 ~ B4; For desktop apps, use EfficientNetB5 and above.

The following table is from keras website:

Model Size (MB) Top-1 Accuracy Top-5 Accuracy Parameters Depth Time (ms) per inference step (CPU) Time (ms) per inference step (GPU)
Xception 88 79.0% 94.5% 22.9M 81 109.4 8.1
VGG16 528 71.3% 90.1% 138.4M 16 69.5 4.2
VGG19 549 71.3% 90.0% 143.7M 19 84.8 4.4
ResNet50 98 74.9% 92.1% 25.6M 107 58.2 4.6
ResNet50V2 98 76.0% 93.0% 25.6M 103 45.6 4.4
ResNet101 171 76.4% 92.8% 44.7M 209 89.6 5.2
ResNet101V2 171 77.2% 93.8% 44.7M 205 72.7 5.4
ResNet152 232 76.6% 93.1% 60.4M 311 127.4 6.5
ResNet152V2 232 78.0% 94.2% 60.4M 307 107.5 6.6
InceptionV3 92 77.9% 93.7% 23.9M 189 42.2 6.9
InceptionResNetV2 215 80.3% 95.3% 55.9M 449 130.2 10.0
MobileNet 16 70.4% 89.5% 4.3M 55 22.6 3.4
MobileNetV2 14 71.3% 90.1% 3.5M 105 25.9 3.8
DenseNet121 33 75.0% 92.3% 8.1M 242 77.1 5.4
DenseNet169 57 76.2% 93.2% 14.3M 338 96.4 6.3
DenseNet201 80 77.3% 93.6% 20.2M 402 127.2 6.7
NASNetMobile 23 74.4% 91.9% 5.3M 389 27.0 6.7
NASNetLarge 343 82.5% 96.0% 88.9M 533 344.5 20.0
EfficientNetB0 29 77.1% 93.3% 5.3M 132 46.0 4.9
EfficientNetB1 31 79.1% 94.4% 7.9M 186 60.2 5.6
EfficientNetB2 36 80.1% 94.9% 9.2M 186 80.8 6.5
EfficientNetB3 48 81.6% 95.7% 12.3M 210 140.0 8.8
EfficientNetB4 75 82.9% 96.4% 19.5M 258 308.3 15.1
EfficientNetB5 118 83.6% 96.7% 30.6M 312 579.2 25.3
EfficientNetB6 166 84.0% 96.8% 43.3M 360 958.1 40.4
EfficientNetB7 256 84.3% 97.0% 66.7M 438 1578.9 61.6
EfficientNetV2B0 29 78.7% 94.3% 7.2M - - -
EfficientNetV2B1 34 79.8% 95.0% 8.2M - - -
EfficientNetV2B2 42 80.5% 95.1% 10.2M - - -
EfficientNetV2B3 59 82.0% 95.8% 14.5M - - -
EfficientNetV2S 88 83.9% 96.7% 21.6M - - -
EfficientNetV2M 220 85.3% 97.4% 54.4M - - -
EfficientNetV2L 479 85.7% 97.5% 119.0M - - -


pip install tensorflow-gpu >= 2
pip install tlearner

How to use

  1. Initialize

    from tlearner.efficientnet import transfer_learner learner = transfer_learner("my_model", W = 224) # my_model.h5df will be the model name

  2. Load data

    learner.load_dataset('my_data_folder', PKL_PATH = "my_dataset.pkl") # Images in each subfolder of my_data_folder are treated as one class. If PKL_PATH is specified, a pkl that contains X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, etc. will be generated.
    print(learner.class_names) # print class names

  3. Train a new model

    hist = learner.train_custom_model("EfficientNetB1", batch = 8, epochs = [10,0], optimizer = "adam") # EfficientNetB0-B7 can be used.
    plot_history(hist) # plot training curves

  4. Evaluate

    learner.evaluate(N = 30) # predict the first N samples in X_val

  5. Predict


  6. Convert [Optional]

    learner.convert_to_tflite(v1 = True) # convert to a local tflite model

  7. Load an existing model

    learner.load_best_model() # if you have an existing local model
    learner.get_best_model().summary() # print model architecture
    learner.plot_best_model() # save model architecture to a local image file

Jupyter notebooks

Under /notebooks, we provide two examples. One is flower image classification; the other is fundus image classification.


After training, you will get a keras h5 model file. You can further convert it to tflite format, or tfjs format (efficient net is not supported yet).
Then you can deploy on mobile device or browser-based apps.