
A small transpiler that converts human-readable text and TOML file formats

Moodle, coderunner, file-format
pip install toodle==1.0.0a7


Moodle TOML

Moodle TOML is a small transpiler that converts human-readable text and TOML file formats representing Moodle questions to Moodle XML.

Moodle TOML also supports the Coderunner question type.

Note: Moodle TOML is in alpha and significant API changes are likely. Currently, only Coderunner python questions and short answers are supported


pip install moodle-toml


Moodle TOML provides a parser.Quiz class that takes the Path of a question suite. Calling as_xml on the resulting Quiz object will parse the directory as XML. A question suite is a directory structure where non-question directories are treated as categories, and questions are directories containing several text-based configuration files. These formats are described below.


Moodle TOML relies on parsing directory trees to determine question categories. Each non-question directory is treated as a category. For example, if given the following directory structure:

└── revision
    ├── programming
    │   ├── simple_area_calculation
    │   │   └── ...
    │   ├── simple_string_split_and_case
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── simple_unit_conversion
    │       └── ...
    └── tracing
        └── string
            └── ...

Moodle TOML would generate a Moodle XML file containing a top-level category "revision" which would contain two sub-categories "programming" and "tracing" and so on. The root directory "questions" is not considered a category.


Questions are represented as directories that contain a config.toml file. The config file contains the basic configuration of the question such as question type, and tags, along with question-specific configuration. Additional files contain additional information such as that contains the question prompt and for Conderunner questions that contains the question answer. The directory name is used as the question name.

For example, a Coderunner question would have the following directory structure:

├── config.toml


The question configuration is currently limited with only basic options supported. The config.toml file has the following structures:

qtype = "coderunner"
coderunnertype = "..."  # from coderunner. e.g. "python3_w_input"
tags = ["...", "..."]  # any strings

precheck = "..."  # from coderunner. e.g. "examples"

example = true | false
display = "..."  # from coderunner e.g. "SHOW" | "HIDE"
testcode = '''...'''  # any testcode
stdin = '''...'''  # any stdin string
expected = '''...'''  # any string
Short Answer
qtype = "shortanswer"
tags = ["...", "..."]  # any strings

penalty_percent = 25  # any float | int
case_sensitivity = true | false

text = '...'  # any string
grade = 100  # any int in 0..100
feedback = ''  # any string


Consider the following directory structure:

└── rectangle
    ├── config.toml

With the files:


qtype = "coderunner"
coderunnertype = "python3_w_input"
tags = ["beginner", "linear math", "area calculation"]

precheck = "examples"

example = true
display = "SHOW"
testcode = ''''''
stdin = '''10
expected = '''Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 10
Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 10
The area of the rectangle is 100.00cm^2'''

example = true
display = "SHOW"
testcode = ''''''
stdin = '''12.5
expected = '''Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 12.5
Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 5.5
The area of the rectangle is 68.75cm^2'''

example = false
display = "SHOW"
testcode = ''''''
stdin = '''0
expected = '''Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 0
Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 10
The area of the rectangle is 0.00cm^2'''

example = false
display = "SHOW"
testcode = ''''''
stdin = '''100
expected = '''Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 100
Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 200
The area of the rectangle is 20000.00cm^2'''

example = false
display = "SHOW"
testcode = ''''''
stdin = '''15
expected = '''Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 15
Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 1
The area of the rectangle is 15.00cm^2'''

example = false
display = "SHOW"
testcode = ''''''
stdin = '''0
expected = '''Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 0
Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 0
The area of the rectangle is 0.00cm^2'''

example = false
display = "HIDE"
testcode = ''''''
stdin = '''25
expected = '''Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 25
Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 2.5
The area of the rectangle is 62.50cm^2'''

A rectangle's area can be calculated using the following formula:

$$ area = base * height $$

Write a program that prompts the user to enter the base and height of a
rectangle in centimetres. The program should then print the area of the
rectangle to two decimal places.

Refer to the example testcases below for the required prompts and format of the
message to be displayed with the rectangle area.

Note: The two values entered can be floating point values and will be valid
non-negative numbers.

base = float(input("Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: "))
height = float(input("Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: "))

area = base * height

print(f"The area of the rectangle is {area:.2f}cm^2")

Calling the following python program:

from pathlib import Path

from moodle_toml.parser import Quiz

root = Path("questions")
xml = Quiz(root).as_xml()
with open("import.xml", "w") as f:

Would generate the following Moodle XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <question type="coderunner">
        <questiontext format="html">
            <text><![CDATA[<p>A rectangle's area can be calculated using the following formula:</p>
<p>$$ area = base * height $$</p>
<p>Write a program that prompts the user to enter the base and height of a
rectangle in centimetres. The program should then print the area of the
rectangle to two decimal places.</p>
<p>Refer to the example testcases below for the required prompts and format of the
message to be displayed with the rectangle area.</p>
<p>Note: The two values entered can be floating point values and will be valid
non-negative numbers.</p>]]></text>
        <answer><![CDATA[base = float(input("Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: "))
height = float(input("Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: "))

area = base * height

print(f"The area of the rectangle is {area:.2f}cm^2")
        <generalfeedback format="html">
        <penaltyregime>0, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
            <testcase testtype="0" useasexample="{example}" hiderestiffail="0"
                    <text>Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 10
                        Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 10
                        The area of the rectangle is 100.00cm^2
            <testcase testtype="0" useasexample="{example}" hiderestiffail="0"
                    <text>Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 12.5
                        Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 5.5
                        The area of the rectangle is 68.75cm^2
            <testcase testtype="0" useasexample="{example}" hiderestiffail="0"
                    <text>Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 0
                        Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 10
                        The area of the rectangle is 0.00cm^2
            <testcase testtype="0" useasexample="{example}" hiderestiffail="0"
                    <text>Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 100
                        Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 200
                        The area of the rectangle is 20000.00cm^2
            <testcase testtype="0" useasexample="{example}" hiderestiffail="0"
                    <text>Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 15
                        Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 1
                        The area of the rectangle is 15.00cm^2
            <testcase testtype="0" useasexample="{example}" hiderestiffail="0"
                    <text>Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 0
                        Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 0
                        The area of the rectangle is 0.00cm^2
            <testcase testtype="0" useasexample="{example}" hiderestiffail="0"
                    <text>Enter the base of the rectangle in centimetres: 25
                        Enter the height of the rectangle in centimetres: 2.5
                        The area of the rectangle is 62.50cm^2
                <text>linear math</text>
                <text>area calculation</text>