
a library to create convolution from any torch network

pip install torchConvNd==0.2.0


A library to compute N-D convolutions, transposed convolutions and recursive convolution in pytorch, using Linear filter or arbitrary functions as filter. It also gives the option of automaticly finding convolution parameters to match a desired output shape.


Use pip3 install torchConvNd



convNd(x, weight, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, padding=0, bias=None, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0)

N-Dimensional convolution.

Inputs :

x : torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, C_in, *shape).

Weight : torch.tensor of size (C_in * kernel[0] * kernel[1] * ...kernel[n_dims], C_out).

kernel : array-like or int, kernel size of the convolution.

stride : array-like or int, stride length of the convolution.

dilation : array-like or int, dilation of the convolution.

padding : None, array-like or int, padding size.

bias : None or torch.tensor of size (C_out, ).

padding_mode, padding_value: see pad.

Outputs :

out : torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, C_out, *shape_out).


ConvNd(in_channels, out_channels, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, padding=0, bias=False, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0)

Equivalent of convNd as a torch.nn.Module class.

Inputs :

in_channels : int, number of in channels.

out_channels : int, number of out channels.

bias : boolean, controls the usage or not of biases.

kernel, stride, dilation, padding, padding_mode, padding_value: Same as in convNd.


convTransposeNd(x, weight, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, padding=0, bias=None, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0)

Transposed convolution (using repeat_intereleave).

Inputs :

x : torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, C_in, *shape).

Weight : torch.tensor of size (C_in * kernel[0] * kernel[1] * ...kernel[n_dims], C_out).

kernel : array-like or int, kernel size of the transposed convolution.

stride : array-like or int, stride length of the transposed convolution.

dilation : array-like or int, dilation of the convolution.

padding : None, array-like or int, padding size.

bias : None or torch.tensor of size (C_out, ).

padding_mode, padding_value: see pad.

Outputs :

out : torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, *shape_out).


ConvTransposeNd(in_channels, out_channels, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, padding=0, bias=None, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0)

Equivalent of convTransposeNd as a torch.nn.Module class.

Inputs :

in_channels : int, number of in channels.

out_channels : int, number of out channels.

bias : boolean, controls the usage or not of biases.

kernel, stride, dilation, padding, padding_mode, padding_value: Same as in convTransposeNd.


convNdFunc(x, func, kernel, stride=1, padding=0, stride_transpose=1, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0, *args)

Equivalent of convNd using an arbitrary filter func.

Inputs :

x : torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, C_in, *shape).

func : function, taking a torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, C_in, *kernel) and outputs a torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, C_out).

kernel : array-like or int, kernel size of the convolution.

stride : array-like or int, stride length of the convolution.

dilation : array-like or int, dilation of the convolution.

padding : None, array-like or int, padding size.

stride_transpose : array-like or int, equivalent to stride in convTransposeNd.

padding_mode, padding_value: see pad.

*args: additional arguments to pass to func.

Outputs :

out : torch.tensor of shape (batch_size, *shape_out).

*(additional returns) : any additional returns of func.


ConvNdFunc(func, kernel, stride=1, padding=0, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0)

Equivalent of convNdFunc as a torch.nn.Module class.

Inputs :

func, kernel, stride, dilation, padding, stride_transpose, padding_mode, padding_value : Same as in convNdFunc.



listify(x, dims=1)

Transform x to an iterable if it is not.

Inputs :

x : array like or non iterable object (or string), object to listify.

dims : int, array size to obtain.

Outputs :

out : array like, listified version of x.


convShape(input_shape, kernel, stride=1, dilation=1, padding=0, stride_transpose=1)

Compute the ouput shape of a convolution.

Inputs :

input_shape : array-like or int, shape of the input tensor.

kernel : array-like or int, kernel size of the convolution.

stride : array-like or int, stride length of the convolution.

dilation : array-like or int, dilation of the convolution.

padding : None, array-like or int, padding size.

stride_transpose : array-like or int, equivalent to stride in convTransposeNd.

Outputs :

shape : array-like or int, predicted output shape of the convolution.


autoShape(input_shape, kernel, output_shape, max_dilation=3)

Compute the optimal parameters stride, dilation, padding and stride_transpose to match output_shape.

Inputs :

input_shape : array-like or int, shape of the input tensor.

kernel : array-like or int, kernel size of the convolution.

output_shape : array-like or int, target shape of the convolution.

max_dilation : array-like or int, maximum value of dialtion.

Outputs :

kernel : array-like or int, listified(kernel, len(input_shape)) if input_shape is a list, else kernel.

stride : array-like or int, stride length of the convolution.

dilation : array-like or int, dilation of the convolution.

padding : array-like or int, padding size.

stride_transpose : array-like or int, equivalent to stride in convTransposeNd.


pad(x, padding, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0)

Based on torch.nn.functional.pad.

Inputs :

x : torch.tensor, input tensor.

padding : array-like or int, size of the padding (identical on each size).

padding_mode : 'constant', 'reflect', 'replicate' or 'circular', see torch.nn.functional.pad.

padding_value : float, value to pad with if padding_mode id 'constant'.

Outputs :

out : torch.tensor, paded tensor.


Pad(padding, padding_mode='constant', padding_value=0)

Equivalent of pad which returns a function.

Inputs :

padding, padding_mode, padding_value : same as with pad


view(x, kernel, stride=1)

Generate a view (for a convolution) with parameters kernel and stride.

Inputs :

x : torch.tensor, input tensor.

kernel : array-like or int, kernel size of the convolution.

stride : array-like or int, stride length of the convolution.

Outputs :

out : torch.tensor, strided tensor.


View(kernel, stride=1)

Equivalent of view which returns a function.

Inputs :

kernel, stride : same as in view.



A torch.nn.Module class that takes a tensor of shape (N, i, j, k...) and reshape it to (N, i*j*k*...).



A torch.nn.Module class that takes a tensor of shape (N, i) and reshape it to (N, *shape).

Inputs :

shape : array-like or int, shape to obtain.



A torch.nn.Module that takes a slice of a tensor of size shape (in the center).

Inputs :

shape : array-like or int, shape to obtain (doesn't affect an axis where shape=-1).