
Tornado's Wake: Handler and tools for inspecting routes of a tornado server

tornado, tornadoweb, routes, handlers, index
pip install tornados-wake==0.2.0


Tornado's Wake

Route mapper for charting where your tornado goes.

Latest Version Build Status

Add an entry like:

(r"/_routes", tornados_wake.make_route_handler()),

to your application's routes list and it will be served at localhost:8080/_routes

get a response like (simplest /_routes?methods=false):

  "routes": [

or for a tree-like structure and an indication of which HTTP methods are available, use /_routes?tree=true

  "routes": {
    "/pets": {
      "": [
      "/%s": {
        "": [
        "/pictures": {
          "": [
          "/%s": {
            "": [
    "/toys": {
      "": [
      "/%s": {
        "": [
    "/routes": {
      "": [
    "/": {
      "": [
    "/assets": {
      "/%s": {
        "": [

A few kwargs are available to the handler's constructor for customizing query args/defaults, specifying private routes to exclude, and using a base class specific to your app instead of tornado's standard RequestHandler.

def make_route_handler(base_handler=RequestHandler,
                       tree_keyword='tree', tree_default=False,
                       methods_keyword='methods', methods_default=True,
                       jsonify=True, respond_func_str='finish'):

If you do not want to use the handler at all, but are still interested in getting a list of routes you can use/format in your own way then you should instead use tornados_wake.get_routes_list which has the following signature:

def get_routes_list(application, excludes=frozenset()):

and returns a namedtuple called RoutesListElement containing

  • path (str)
  • handler_class (class)
  • http_methods (List[str])