
An unofficial API library for Trading212 based on Selenium

pip install trading212api==0.1.1



An unofficial API library for Trading212 based on Selenium


This library allows you to interface with Trading212 through Selenium. Once you log in, the only operation requiring a human interation, you can buy and sell stocks, in both real and practice modes.


pip install trading212api

Install a Selenium web driver, e.g., the Chrome WebDriver

Available methods

  • enable_real_mode(): this method is used to enable real/live mode
  • enable_practice_mode(): this method is used to enable practice/demo mode
  • initiate_connection(webdriverfile, loginusername=None, loginpassword=None, headless=False): initializes the connection to Trading212 through Selenium, optionally asking for username and password to login; in such case, an automatic login will be performed; otherwise, user interaction will be required, for a manual login to occur; if headless is True, the browser will be executed in headless mode
  • get_stocks_list(brw, navigationpath=None): returns all the list of stocks available, optionally selecting a specific > separated list identifying the navigation path, in terms of content, to follow
  • get_stock_info(brw, ticker, backtohome_begin=True, backtohome_end=True): starting from a object brw, this method retrieves information from a stock identified by a given ticker, optionally, returning home at the begin/end of the method
  • get_portfolio(brw): starting from a object brw, this method returns information on the current portfolio
  • buy(brw, ticker, amount, max_price=None): starting from a object brw, this method buys a stock identified by its own ticket, specifying the amount in terms of money to invest in the current valuta, plus an optional maximum price max_price; returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation
  • sell(brw, ticker, amount=None, min_price=None): starting from a object brw, this method sells a stock identified by its own ticket, specifying the amount in terms of number of stocks to sell and an optional minimum price min_price; returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation

Sample usage

# import the library
import trading212api

# enable practice mode

# initiate the connection
brw = trading212api.initiate_connection('./chromedriver')

# get and print portfolio information
portfolio = trading212api.get_portfolio(brw)

# get and print information on a given stock
stock_info = trading212api.get_stock_info(brw, 'AAPL')

# get all most popular stocks
popular_stocks = trading212api.get_stocks_list(brw, navigationpath='Stocks>Most Popular')

# get and print information on all most popular stocks
for s in popular_stocks:
	stock_info = trading212api.get_stock_info(brw, s.get('ticker'))

# buy 10 USD of AAPL, 'AAPL', 10)

# sell 1 stock of AAPL
trading212api.sell(brw, 'AAPL', 1)


  • Improve code readability


You can find me on Twitter as @auino.