
Text mode directory tree viewer

pip install treeless==0.1.0



Text mode directory tree viewer.

The name is made of tree as in directory tree and less the text viewer which is used by Treeless to display its output.


Treeless packages are available from Cheese shop (PyPI) at

The project page is hosted on Github.

If you've never worked with git or contributed to a project on Github, there is a quick start guide.

If you find something wrong or know of a missing feature, please create an issue on the project page. If you find that inconvenient or have some security concerns, you could also drop me a line at <>.


pip install treeless


usage: treeless [-h] [--filematch REGEXP] [--dirmatch REGEXP]
                [--fileignore REGEXP] [--dirignore REGEXP] [--indent N]
                [--indent-char CH] [--plain] [--cut] [--version]

Treeless - Text mode directory tree viewer

positional arguments:
  path                  Base path to start listing from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --filematch REGEXP, -f REGEXP
                        Files regexp
  --dirmatch REGEXP, -d REGEXP
                        Directories regexp
  --fileignore REGEXP, -F REGEXP
                        Regexp for ignored files
  --dirignore REGEXP, -D REGEXP
                        Regexp for ignored directories
  --indent N, -i N      Indent length (1-8, default=1)
  --indent-char CH, -C CH
                        Indent character (default=.)
  --plain, -p           Plain output on stdout, no less
  --cut, -c             Cut off long lines to fit terminal width
  --version, -v         Show version and exit


Treeless reads in configuration files in INI format. The same options as on the command line are expected in the files. Files are read from following locations, where latter override options from former files and command line options override those from config files.

  • /etc/treeless.conf
  • ~/.config/treeless.conf
  • ~/.treeless.conf

Config file example (values shown here are not the defaults):

# include files matching regular expression
filematch = .*
# include directories matching regexp
dirmatch = .*
# ignore files matching regexp
fileignore = ^\.
# ignore directories matching regexp
dirignore = ^\.git$|^\.svn$
# Note: a file or directory has to match the positive filter and not match
#       the negative filter at the same time to be included in output
# length of indent
indent = 2
# plain output on stdout, no less; allowed "ON" values are ``1, yes, true, on``
# and "OFF" values ``0, no, false, off`` (case insensitive)
plain = yes
# cut off long lines to fit terminal width (accepts same values as *plain*)
cut = false

The [treeless] section title is mandatory.


Copyright 2013 Michal Belica <>

Treeless is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Treeless is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Treeless.  If not, see < >.