Library containing attribution and interpretation methods for deep nets.

explainable-ml, llm, llmops, machine-learning, neural-networks
pip install trulens==0.13.2


Welcome to TruLens!


TruLens provides a set of tools for developing and monitoring neural nets, including large language models. This includes both tools for evaluation of LLMs and LLM-based applications with TruLens-Eval and deep learning explainability with TruLens-Explain. TruLens-Eval and TruLens-Explain are housed in separate packages and can be used independently.

The best way to support TruLens is to give us a and join our slack community!


TruLens-Eval contains instrumentation and evaluation tools for large language model (LLM) based applications. It supports the iterative development and monitoring of a wide range of LLM applications by wrapping your application to log key metadata across the entire chain (or off chain if your project does not use chains) on your local machine. Importantly, it also gives you the tools you need to evaluate the quality of your LLM-based applications.

Architecture Diagram

Get going with TruLens-Eval

Install trulens-eval from PyPI.

pip install trulens-eval
from trulens_eval import Tru
from trulens_eval import TruChain

tru = Tru()

This example uses LangChain and OpenAI, but the same process can be followed with any framework and model provider.

# imports from LangChain to build app
from langchain import PromptTemplate
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from import ChatPromptTemplate
from import HumanMessagePromptTemplate

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "..."
os.environ["HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY"] = "..."
# create LLM chain
full_prompt = HumanMessagePromptTemplate(
        template="Provide a helpful response with relevant background information for the following: {prompt}",
chat_prompt_template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([full_prompt])

chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=0.9)

chain = LLMChain(llm=chat, prompt=chat_prompt_template)

Now that we created an LLM chain, we can set up our first feedback function. Here, we'll create a feedback function for language matching. After we've created the feedback function, we can include it in the TruChain wrapper. Now, whenever our wrapped chain is used we'll log both the metadata and feedback.

# create a feedback function

from import Feedback, Huggingface
# Initialize HuggingFace-based feedback function collection class:
hugs = Huggingface()

# Define a language match feedback function using HuggingFace.
f_lang_match = Feedback(hugs.language_match).on_input_output()
# By default this will check language match on the main app input and main app
# output.

# wrap your chain with TruChain
truchain = TruChain(
# Note: any `feedbacks` specified here will be evaluated and logged whenever the chain is used.
truchain("que hora es?")

Now you can explore your LLM-based application!

Doing so will help you understand how your LLM application is performing at a glance. As you iterate new versions of your LLM application, you can compare their performance across all of the different quality metrics you've set up. You'll also be able to view evaluations at a record level, and explore the chain metadata for each record.

tru.run_dashboard() # open a Streamlit app to explore

Alternatively, you can run trulens-eval from a command line in the same folder to start the dashboard.

For more information, see TruLens-Eval Documentation.


TruLens-Explain is a cross-framework library for deep learning explainability. It provides a uniform abstraction over a number of different frameworks. It provides a uniform abstraction layer over TensorFlow, Pytorch, and Keras and allows input and internal explanations.

Get going with TruLens-Explain

These installation instructions assume that you have conda installed and added to your path.

  1. Create a virtual environment (or modify an existing one).
conda create -n "<my_name>" python=3  # Skip if using existing environment.
conda activate <my_name>
  1. Install dependencies.
conda install tensorflow-gpu=1  # Or whatever backend you're using.
conda install keras             # Or whatever backend you're using.
conda install matplotlib        # For visualizations.
  1. [Pip installation] Install the trulens pip package from PyPI.
pip install trulens
  1. Get started! To quickly play around with the TruLens library, check out the following Colab notebooks:
  • PyTorch: Open In Colab
  • TensorFlow 2 / Keras: Open In Colab

For more information, see TruLens-Explain Documentation.